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Stuck in Teterboro
Corporate pilot parodies "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys while he laments flying out of the busiest GA airport in the world. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I'm a regular at TEB now, and took my lessons there at Beech East in 1978. When a LearJet landed, we prop guys used to run out to look at it. Now when I land in my Cherokee 180, the Jet guys run out to watch! Great job with the video.
Haha, that was a great laugh for the start of a Monday morning. =)
make that "thank you" not hank you! my bad
Oh my lands - hank you for the laughs! You are a hit in BZN! There was a time when I considered moving to TEB just to work around a higher volume of corporate traffic .... I have decided it was a brief period of insanity. From the looks of it, you guys don't fly that much.... you just sit and wait : )
Everytime I hear the sone on the radio, I sing Teterboro now!!! Great video
That was awesome!!!!!