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New Boeing 737s to get innovative Space Bins, increasing cabin capacity by 48 percent

Space Bins on an Alaska Airlines 737-900ER will hold as many as 174 standard carry-on bags, a 48 percent increase compared to current bins that hold up to 117 bags. Space Bins are deep enough to store nonstandard items, such as a guitar. Space Bins will arrive on all next-generation 737 and 737 Max airplanes delivered to Alaska Airlines starting in late 2015. ( More...

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sharon bias 11
How about we use the sizing boxes next to the ramp door. If your item fits, you get priority boarding. Green band around the handle. If it doesn't fit, don't necessarily make them gate check, but they board later and have to fight for what space is left. Try fitting that under your seat. Over packers will be very pissy, but will learn. Also, while it will slow down the crowd at the door, it should speed things up in the plane. European airlines are very strict about carry-on size and weight. We need to follow their lead.
preacher1 1
Haven't been on there in awhile but Pinnacle/NWA/Endeavor/continued on into DAL, at least the regional, were doing that back in the NWA days and have continued on and were fairly religious about enforcement of it. It was pass or gate check and if a problem on the plane, it went to the hold.
Jerry Sterner 7
How about if your bag won't fit in the box at the gate you don't gate check them but tell them to go back to the ticketing counter and check it? And tell them "hope you make your flight"
preacher1 2
personally, that makes the most sense
Peter Crawford 1
pdixonj 13
The problem is not with the size of the overhead's with people's lack of courtesy or abundance of ignorance in the fact that overhead bin space is "shared" among all passengers on a flight. Until we make the connection between the two (and we probably never will), no amount of increase in bin space is going to help. Also, when was the last time you saw anyone drag on a "standard size" carry-on?? Now-a-days it's roll-aboard expando bags and oversized duffles that look as if they're more suited for transporting a body, rather than personal belongings.
And the real winners are those that are seated at the back of the airplane but toss their carry-on in the first open overhead they come to. smh
James Carlin 4
I have a backpack that can be crammed under a seat and a standard size carry on. AA is the major carrier out of the closest airport and I have the AA/Citi credit card. Booking a flight on the card always gives me group 1 boarding and a free checked bag (if needed). I go to my seat, cram my crap into the proper bin and/or under the seat, then settle in. It is not that hard. You would THINK more people could do it.....
Greg Smith 2
Ah, Mr. James Carlin, unfortunately people don't think about anyone but themselves any more. I follow your logic and humanity.
Matt Lacey -1
Huh, this comment is weird, jaundiced, and I'm surprised it has so many upvotes. As someone who's on ~4 legs a month, I think the average person indeed carries a standard size carry-on. Y'all are being extremely cynical to think otherwise. Moreover, we do often see people who exceed that, but it is the very noticeable and obvious exception that stays with us.

IMO, there are people who don't know how to pack a bin who waste its space. Some of us know what we're doing when we get into the terminal. The rest need to learn to:
1) put anything that could set off the detector in your bag.
2) put your donning items through the x-ray first.
3) put everything back in your pockets on the tram or moving walkway.
4) not stop in the middle of the concourse.
5) carry your roller in front of you and your shoulder bag behind you while finding your seat or disembarking, so the roller doesn't hang on a seat behind you.
6) lean on your own seatback when getting in and out, never someone else's.
7) not cross the midpoint of the armrest.
8) not stop as you get off the plane or out of the jetway without standing aside.
9) control your kids from touching every bag on the carrousel.
Peter Crawford 1
Thank you Matt! Especially #5. Why is many passengers feel they are flying on a private plane by themselves!!
Individual bins the exact size of the check bin. If it fits, it ships!
Mike Mohle 5
It is about time each seat has overhead bin space!
For the love of a simple hassle free boarding experience, would any sane passenger agree with me that carry-on bags should fit beneath one's seat only and for safety reasons, overheard storage be done away with?

What is needed is a simple change of underwear and personal grooming items.

With current fleets, anything else is already provided on board I.e. access to personal communication needs and entertainment via backseat screens and food is always available often priced into the ticket, therefore, anything with wheels is to heavy and should never be permitted into the cabin.

I am sick and tired of people in front of me when boarding struggling to squeeze a 10kg ( clearly overweight ) object into a overhead facility not designed to carry such an object, and thus holding up boarding for everyone and they are the noises when departure is delayed because the slot has been given to another flight!
Bernie20910 0
Underwear and grooming items might be what you need, but don't assume that's what everyone else needs. I can buy replacements for those in just about any pharmacy or department store in the country, for under $20. What I need, and which would be impossible or extremely difficult to replace, is the electronics I typically carry when I travel. Laptop with specialized software, radios, camera, etc.
preacher1 4
I tell you what really gets me, and I am not sure about Alaskan Airlines, but with most others clamoring over baggage fees and all that, why are they giving up revenue in letting the obvious bigger stuff on anyway. They are cutting their own throat by allowing it and making it more difficult in the boarding process that are trying to do right as well. Granted no one wants to take a chance on lost baggage but an overnite bag with a change of clothes and personal stuff is the most that needs to come through the door.
I assume most sensible people book hotels that are capable of supplying emergency needs in the case of airline baggage loss or delay? A great many passengers are vacationists and would rely upon insurance or tour operators whilst business travelers already have a fall back position and probably know better!

Preacher? I fully understand your argument.
Bernie20910 0
You make a lot of assumptions, and when you assume... and Preacher, an overnite bag with a change of clothes is the one thing that's easiest to replace or do without. I can walk into an Wal-Mart on the country and walk out again 30 minutes later with serviceable clothing to last a few days until my luggage arrives, for under $100. The critical items for most travelers, at least as far as I see it, is any medications they may need and personal electronics that may be easily stolen or broken. If my bag of clothing gets lost I'm not going to worry much about it. If my laptop goes missing that's an entirely different story, especially if I'm traveling on business.
I may have a solution of sorts, the current climate of terrorism may render electronic devices being banned in the cabin, so why not ask airlines to offer delivery of these devices on a cargo basis even on the same aircraft but preferably the following service then courier to the stated residence?

Better still, use the car hire concept, but have mobile devices to hire as they can easily synchronise with Google or whatever one's media accounts may be.

Onboard, there is more than most passengers need within the seatback screens to satisfy even the discounted ticket holder in economy.

As with the smokers and the angst following the ban, if one cannot manage crossing an ocean or a continent in a fantastically short time compared the previous days of long sea voyages, one may suggest the seeking of medical assistance!
Bernie20910 2
Oh yes, I can see the reactions of the corporate and government IT departments now to the idea of putting classified or sensitive data on a rental computer. If you listen carefully you can probably hear their screams over the sound of your flight's engines...

One might also consider that their own narrow little viewpoint on the critical importance of electronic devices to some occupations might not qualify them to pass judgement on the need for such devices, and that if one still wants to insist that their views are the only correct ones then psychiatric might be indicated.
tbscotty54 2
So here are facts, it costs x$ to carry x pounds from point A to point B. The cold reality is the the cost should be charged based on the total weight of cargo carried. Pay close attention when you fly to who is carrying what on board!
preacher1 2
Well, you would think that if they missed the carry on size box, they might be gate checked for convenience but should be charged as per the airline policy. That is really not fair to those that did check and pay.
Well, then, by your logic you also have to weigh the passenger.
BaronG58 2
Samoa Air has this policy. The fare is calculated based on weight of passenger plus weight of luggage. This may be a stretch...most domestic airlines here in a way charge by passenger weight. If passenger can fit in seat and put armrest down, they pay one price. Person of size, pays for two seats.
William Jensen 2
Great...more idiots hauling 100 lb "carry-ons" in the cabin. :-(
Bernie20910 3
How about we get TSA to enforce the carry-on size, number and weight limits, since they're inspecting the stuff already? Too many, too heavy or too big and you do not get through screening. Go check it and come back. Most travellers already see TSA in a negative light, so it won't impact their rep very much, and this way no particular airline gets negative publicity for enforcing the rules. The gate crew can just shrug and say, "It's not us!"
William Jensen 1
How about we keep the dang TSA out of this? The TSA is NOT responsible for checking bag sizes, nor should they be. The AIRLINE should do this!
Once in a great while I've seen a brave Gate Agent throw down on an idiot who tried to bring a 1.5x size "carry-on" through the boarding gate. I thank them every time I see that!
That will only result in even more people insisting to bring their grand pianos on board.
dbaker 4
Is your solution to make bins smaller in order to improve satisfaction?
My solution is to apply existing rules concerning maximum carry-on size and to supply bins for passengers actually sitting under them, one clearly identified bin space per passenger.
Your name looks German. I wonder . . . .
And what's your point?
preacher1 1
I think he is making the point that you are European, referencing the attitude noted in the comment above. IDK, but I'll take the high road with that and hope he didn't mean anything offensive by it.
Actually, I'm Canadian of German descent preacher1, and I've learned long ago that anyone using the race-card in a discussion is losing the argument. I just wanted to make certain that this was what Allen meant to do before answering him.
preacher1 3
10-4. LOL. I guess we'll see
Jeff K 1
Get rid of the stupid bag fees and most people will actually check their bags. I'm NEVER in a hurry to board first and will board very late so I get to check my bag at the gate more often than not.
joel wiley 1
Mark Twain wrote in LETTERS TO THE EARTH "Mankind has the one true religion. As a matter of fact, he has a half-dozen of them".

TravelNerd posted a list of bag sizes for airlines. There were 7 separate sizes running from 22x14x9 to 26x18x12.

So, what is meant by 'standard size'? Closets, attics, garages, and thrift stores are filled with prior year's acceptable standard bags that don't fit today.

Are luggage manufacturers working with the airlines in planning obsolescence?
Chris B 0
737s are cramped enough without this. Suspect the real reason is an attempt to carry more paying cargo.
Torsten Hoff 5
What this does is provide more space for carry-on luggage, of which there is never enough. How is that going to make the cabin more cramped? If anything, it will keep people from having to stow bags under the seat in from of them because all the bins are filled.

I see that all the time, the first people to board stuff their carry-on into bins close to the door because they are lazy, or they put things into bins over another row of seats because they bins by their row are filled. By the time the passengers booked into the other rows show up, their bins have been filled by the earlier boarders.
Yolanda Bost 0
collision center


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