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Airbus’s New Plane Could Make It Much Cheaper to Fly to Europe
Airbus’s first A321LR aircraft completed its first transatlantic test flight from Paris Le Bourget to New York City's JFK earlier this year. It is the longest flight that the highly anticipated aircraft has completed so far. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
That information is incorrect. The A321LR on March 30 completed an even longer flight, from Mahe in the Seychelles to Toulouse, a trip of 4700 miles.
Rather than give slower and smaller aircraft extra range it would be MUCH better to invest in a more efficient and cost effective FASTER a/c (Concorde 2?).
Ticket prices are too low already which is, arguably, a causal factor in air travel losing most, if not all of its appeal.
Some of the romance and excitement needs to be re-injected into air travel.
Ticket prices are too low already which is, arguably, a causal factor in air travel losing most, if not all of its appeal.
Some of the romance and excitement needs to be re-injected into air travel.
Mike M; whilst my heart might agree with you, my head speaks to "bottom line every time" in the cold, hard, cut-throat world of airline businesses.
I remember a conversation with a BA CSD on a 777 daytime flight back from Boston Logan to LHR in early 2007, when BA were seeking to cut one cabin-crew member from each B777 team; even back then, it was *all* about costs. As I said to him, regarding the competition: "these guys will eat your lunch". However, I do agree that you can cut too far. Mike
I remember a conversation with a BA CSD on a 777 daytime flight back from Boston Logan to LHR in early 2007, when BA were seeking to cut one cabin-crew member from each B777 team; even back then, it was *all* about costs. As I said to him, regarding the competition: "these guys will eat your lunch". However, I do agree that you can cut too far. Mike
"ticket prices are too low already"...said no sane person ever
I’ll say it. It cost me two days wages to fly from Canada to Mexico return. It use to be a weeks wages. This means I travel way too much for the good of the planet.
What are you doing to the planet? Trust me, with you or with out you that plane is going. May as well have you on it right?
Until such time we can end plate-tectonics,volcanoes and the decomposition of natural mass in rain forests...I am simply not buying into the pseudo-science the tree huggers love to pontificate on ad nauseum. We have but one life to, if that means a few extra gallons of "Race Gas" at the track, flying private craft because I can and not sorting freaking cardboard from my be it. :-)
Oddly, Al Gore still flies private as well....hypocrite.
Until such time we can end plate-tectonics,volcanoes and the decomposition of natural mass in rain forests...I am simply not buying into the pseudo-science the tree huggers love to pontificate on ad nauseum. We have but one life to, if that means a few extra gallons of "Race Gas" at the track, flying private craft because I can and not sorting freaking cardboard from my be it. :-)
Oddly, Al Gore still flies private as well....hypocrite.
"Ticket prices are too low already which is, arguably, a causal factor in air travel losing most, if not all of its appeal."
It's not appealing at all if you can't afford it
It's not appealing at all if you can't afford it