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Air Force 2 Reports Bird Strike and Returns - C-17 Becomes Air Force 2

Air Force 2 Hit By Bird Strike After Takeoff From New Hampshire. Vice President Mike Pence, who attended a rally in Gilford Tuesday, returned to Washington via cargo jet after Air Force 2 was grounded ( More...

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Billy Koskie 23
My goodness people. Regardless of party, wanting harm to people is just wrong. And this site is about aviation, for crying out loud.
mariofer 17
How sad when commentary about an aviation incident turns into a political discord fest. Regardless where you like the principal flying on that airplane or not, there are human lives at stake here and everyone should be thankful for the good outcome of this incident. If you cannot see that, you are not fit to live in a civilized society.
sharon bias 3
I don't recall a bird strike on AF1 or AF2 ever before. I may be wrong. This is why it made the news. It really is news.
WhiteKnight77 7
It might be newsworthy, but the fact that people want to make it a political thing is disheartening. It shows how bad people do not care about anyone but those of their own ilk. smh
Ed Boock 18
Interesting way to get home.
Not everyone gets a ride on a C-17.
A happy ending and a good story to tell.
What else could you ask for?

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Jim Mitchell 8
Was it a Canada goose?
Ken Riehl 1
It wasn't a goose. It was a small bird like a pidgeon.
Ken Riehl 3
If it had been, it would have made a much larger foof
Probably hit the gooses left wing!
Jim Mitchell 1
sounds political to me
Billy Hicks 21
I don't read this site to see political commentary.
Did anyone find the ATC audio of this incident? The crew is really top notch and probably would be a really good example of how to respond to an emergency.
James Cross 4
It's on the VASAviation channel on Youtube
travistx 1
There is a reason they are flying who they are flying....
Fred J. 5
You really think that a full time military crew is that superior to any commercial crew with thousands and thousands of hours of flying for, sometimes, decades all over the world and through all kinds of emergency? And flying any politician and his entourage is fine, but on my book is not even remotely more important than 300+ persons and their daughters, sons, moms, wife’s, husbands, etc.... Just to be clear, I’m sure that these vip transport military crews are ALSO top notch, of course. My issue is with the idea that they would be superior to a veteran civilian crew in any way.
I didn't say anything about military vs civillian crews.
I work with a guy, he is a surgeon....he flew combat missions (USN), he switched craft...he then flew dignitaries and what not, he is not to clear on the specifics. Navy paid for him to go to Med School....currently he is a Trauma Surgeon, he, singularly has made more critical decisions as a surgeon with NOT A SIGN of stress or question. That is the personality that we need, as pilots and as trauma surgeons.
Brian Yates 2
Give it a rest guys, Everyone went home safe and as said below it is only a story because it was AF2 and a bird strike.
Wow watching all these comment's , How a simple Plane Transfer has become A Political hog wash fight amongst you American's . Those threatening words from Mr McIntyre has caused a throbe of comments of people dying . please keep it simple about aircraft and not your politic hic ups Thankyou.
AWAAlum 0
Agree. With the exception of "you American's" (sic). Did you check? Are you certain all those fighting are Americans?
Well from A Distance it looks like American and he was transfered from Airforce 2 which I believe is American . Thankyou
Ailin Barron 1
Having Wayyyy to many hours in the back of a C-17, if you have to travel by Air Force cargo plane that’s the way to go. That’s is in comparison to the back of a C-130.
Jim Mitchell 1
as I used to say "the c130 the snap, crackle and pop plane."
darjr26 1
That’s what happens to birds when they don’t wear their masks.
Or riding in a C-117, now that really builds character and trains the bladder

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Jim Mitchell -2
yeah the Snap, Crackle and Pop aircraft.

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I guess leaving Syria and our allies the Kurds who lost 10,000 defeating ISIS and then sending some back after Turkey invaded Syria a third time is not fast and loose?
Duane Mader 1
First President since Reagan NOT to get us into a war.
joel wiley 1
Since it was AF-2, I thought Pence was aboard.
39 days left, i wouldn't be surprised if Trump started the Iran war to bump his numbers. Republicans have a tendency to allow the generals and admirals their "training" since before Reagan. PS did you forget Grenada?
ko25701 2
Grenada was a rescue mission, not a war. Combat lasted about a week if I recall.
Rescue missions dont last a week (or in this case 4 days) and troops do not stay months later to ensure no else is held against their will.
WAR a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.
War is an intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces.
Next you will say that any war with less than 10000 casualties is not a war.
AWAAlum 0
I think I'm right in this...if the U.S. doesn't officially declare it a war, it isn't one. Back when the Korean conflict was raging, even though today people refer to it as the Korean War, it was actually what the president called a Police Action. So - Grenada wasn't a war.
Trust me when i tell you that my brothers who went there and told me about it it was a war,
Not the same one i went to but it is to them.
RECOR10 -2
Funny, my brother, who is a Marine and half brother who is also a Marine (FA-18 driver) do not seem to have a hard time getting the term war confused. War is declared or not. Get over it. I however do not infer that I know a thing about the fights either was in...both have had to dispatch more "unfriendlies" than you (or I). I may beat them both for the number of dead in the same room, however...
1. when i said brothers i meant brothers in arms
2. The last time war was declared by the US congress was 1942
3. Grenada was an invasion and war dont minimize what it was as its disrespectful to my brothers in arms
Jim Mitchell 1
I think Roosevelt declared it a war about 7 Dec 1941
WhiteKnight77 1
Congress voted for, and declared war on Dec. 8, 1941, only after Roosevelt asked for such a declaration.
RECOR10 -1
Scott Baris 1
Get off this site with your political agenda!

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Ken McIntyre 10
And what if the stricken aircraft was to crash into your house? Your comment is stupid.

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Ken McIntyre 1
Said the Democrat. Of the US political party supposedly of acceptance and tolerance. You and Iwalani have no love or compassion for your fellow man.

You started it.
James Simms 1
Also encouraging it by continued riots
AWAAlum 0
"You started it." ??? Grow up.

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JedFR 1
Just imagine how bad your mental illness will be if he gets reelected in November!
Jim Mitchell 2
not happening 6 Nov 2020
God is to busy creating another universe to fix his mistakes (namely us) to bother. Plus he wouldnt cause a slow climate change thats affecting the planet (our doing). He would show up and say KNOCK IT OFF.
AWAAlum 1
Religion and politics - now we've hit a homer in topics deemed not suitable for discussion. Who ever thought this is what Flight Aware was all about.
James Simms -8
I’ve sent a screenshot w/your comments circled to both the Department of Justice & the Secret Service

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You are aware, I take it, that Trump tried to obstruct justice TEN TIMES and was only thwarted because the people he wanted to carry out his obstruction said no? You are aware, I take it, that the investigation was paid for (and then some) by all the fines handed out? You are aware, I take it, that Mueller punted on how the President should be punished to congress which Impeached him and the Senate acquitted him AFTER it would not allow new witnesses and documents? I take it you refuse to be aware of these facts.
Ken McIntyre 0
And if it had been Hiden's jet, your panties would have been in a wad. And you'd now be blaming Trump for letting birds fly around airports. Sheesh!

You people are crazy, wishing jet crashes on anyone is sick.
Ken McIntyre 2
You ever have a pilot friend or co-worker die in a plane crash? I have. Not fun. Lost one of my favorite pilot friends three months ago.

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Robert Mack 3
Mr. Cowling, in reference to your comment about God trying to send a message as well as this one, I'm pretty sure God isn't pacing back and forth, wringing His hands, and trying to figure out what is going to happen (unless you know something that nobody else knows). I'll admit, I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but look at what's going on in this country and maybe read Romans 1, maybe Romans 3: 10-18, then II Timothy 3, and finally Romans 13 about being subject to Government. And if you're in to YouTube, maybe watch John MacArthur's "When God Abandons a Nation" (and there are many others). In closing, may all of us find peace, compassion, discernment, and wisdom throughout our journey in life.
Funny and true...once again we had to hire additional medical staff. On Monday a woman came in. I walked past her car on my way in. Her bumper sticker confirmed she would not be working at our facility. Advertising stupid is not a good trait if you are seeking employment. And, you are absolutely correct about Kruschev.
WhiteKnight77 1
So your company is not hiring based on political affiliation? While not a protected class, that you are trying to hire only those who agree with you is not a good look for any company. She may have been the perfect fit for your company in her profession, but you may very well end up with someone who is completely incompetent even though they share your political views.
RECOR10 1 need the enemy on staff...
WhiteKnight77 0
Hopefully, you get the incompent group think employee. There are places that politics should not be at play. That you perceive someone as the enemy shows that you should not be in such a position to hire or fire anyone. Hopefully, you are not a doctor's office where you might have to actually treat someone who does not share your views.


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