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Maui Flight Cabin Crew Incapacitated Causing Diversion
The FAA reports that at least two Alaska Airlines flight attendants became incapacitated due to fumes on Saturday’s flight 952 from Maui to Seattle. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
In the comments, many pax attested to experiencing the same symptoms as the flight attendants. I wonder why their concerns ere dismissed.
Interesting but comfusinf as to what was happenng, seems like a return to Maui was closer thwn Honolululu.
Perhaps more abundant medical staff was available in Oahu. Maui is only required to staff 5 ambulance locations per state law. One time, when talking to a Maui resident, she was traveling to Oahu, as there were no doctors who took Medicare who were taking new patients on Maui.
I remember an episode of HOUSE where Hugh Laurie made a bogus inflight announcement of a possible medical syndrome with certain symptoms. Totally fictitious but, within minutes, most of the passengers reported symptoms. Reminds me of the famous falangee episode of”Friends”. It takes very little to cause a panic in an airplane. Half the plane thinks they’re going to die if they hit a patch of moderate turbulence. I’m sure the scumbag PI attorneys were passing out cards at the airport.
Huffing a little of that Maui Wowee.