58 Stimmen (4.69 Durchschnitt) und 10.863 Ansichten  

Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream IV (N94JL) - Santa Maria Island International Airport - LPAZ. November 19, 2021. https://www.facebook.com/aeroportosantamaria
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Gulfstream Aerospace Gulfstream IV (N94JL)


Santa Maria Island International Airport - LPAZ. November 19, 2021. https://www.facebook.com/aeroportosantamaria


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Tim Segulin
This cryptic pic really caught my eye in the icon. A really interesting combination of bright details merging out of blackness with just a hint of red to prove it's not shot on B+W.

Great shot,I like it.
Lidia Maria
Belíssima foto: a escuridão da noite se misturando à cor do avião com seus tons metálicos.
Alvie Beck
Mr. Wayne, your jet has arrived.
terry kelsey
Very dramatic. Nice,nice,nice
serge LOTH
Nelson you have the sense of beauty.. 5*
Nelson RodriguesPhoto Uploader
Thank you all for your kind words. It's harder for me to take pictures at night of dark planes than light planes, without tripod and hanging behind a grid. But I think it worked out well. Thank you.
Noah S
Nice shot!
Jim Costello
Is this a vision I see before me?
Thanks for being up so early when we landed Nelson, there weren't a lot of people around at 5:15 in the morning. Great shot.
Nelson RodriguesPhoto Uploader
Thanks "challengerguy". Beautiful planes deserve a lot of photos, even if I have to get up at dawn :) My luck is to live less than 500 meters from the airport. I hope one day to have the chance to photograph this wonderful plane also during daylight.
A stunning photo with dramatic play of light and darkness! Very nicely done - Thanks for sharing. 5*


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