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Boeing 757-200 — - FI697 from Keflavik, shot from Templeton.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing 757-200 —


FI697 from Keflavik, shot from Templeton.


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Mark Thomas
Very nice DMac!
Triple seven Flyer
wow amazing!
i bet you cant pronounce who the plane is named after:)
Dwight Hartje
Excellent lighting, details, and shot!
Peter Goldfinch
Dwight, this photo has been majorly retouched - note the darkness under the nose as compared to the lighting at the rear of the engine pods. Excellent lighting - no.
Dwight Hartje
Peter Goldfinch, maybe the photographer did Photoshop the shot, but it still tuned out nicely.
Dwight Hartje, does look a bit fishy but not fishy enough to tell if it's the photographer did Photoshop the photo or not.
Dwight Hartje, does look a bit fishy but not fishy enough to tell if it's the photographer did Photoshop the photo or not.
Dwight Hartje
If or if not he did Photoshop, it still looks good.


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