219 Stimmen (4.77 Durchschnitt) und 239.818 Ansichten  

BOEING 747-8 (LX-VCJ) - CLX789 makes a spectacular wing wave as it climbs from Rwy 16R on delivery to KSEA on 9/30/14. (LN:1490 / cn 38077). The aircraft is named City of Redange-Sur-Attert.
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CLX789 makes a spectacular wing wave as it climbs from Rwy 16R on delivery to KSEA on 9/30/14. (LN:1490 / cn 38077). The aircraft is named City of Redange-Sur-Attert.


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Walter Zamorano
Mark Thomas
Pretty balsy at such a low altitude!
Thanks guys! No idea why this photo wasn't a FA staff pick?
It deserves to be a staff pick. What a great shot!
Holy crap!
Alexander Viduetsky
WOW! Stunning shot!
Haha Tom I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing!!
Mark See
This gives a new meaning to the tower saying "early right turnout approved". Great shot!
sam kuminecz
Looks like a 74 landing at Kai Tak...craziest airport in the world...should say was.
Karter Hickling
For a second i thought this was some Boeing test pilot trying to be Tex Johnston!
Kevin Haiduk
You bought it new. At least get it of the lot :-)
Now I know why my last freight shipment from Europe was crushed.
Great photo!
Anton Nel
Impressive! Well captured!
Jim T
"Honey, you missed the turn!!! You were supposed to turn left just after the mountain...."
John Povey
quite a turn
Tyler Emtage
Great shot! I can't believe this photo was not featured as a staff pick when currently there are 135 votes!
I would have banked on this being a staff pick too.

-- from the US dept of Dad Jokes
anthony geinopolos
Bill Snowden
There's something you don't see everyday!
The Queen flies!
Gafin Vod
Have video?
Joan Williams
Hensley Garcia
I was fortunate enough to see this that day, there was something going on with the museums and I was down at the windsock. Sort of scared me as I had no idea why it was rolling so hard!
a mentor
Sure makes a GREAT pic!!
It's bank angle time!
I cannot believe I was there and witnessed this. No camera, I honestly wasn't sure what was about to happen, and was considering running! I am glad someone else caught it!
Completely safe turn when proper speed is maintained. Very nice photograph.
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
12.03.2025 B744Riad ()Hanoi () 18:28 +03 04:55 +07 (+1) In der Luft
12.03.2025 B744Luxemburg ()Riad () 09:12 CET 16:31 +03 5:19
11.03.2025 B748Heydar Aliyev Int'l ()Luxemburg () 17:48 +04 19:21 CET 4:33
11.03.2025 B748Hongkong Chek Lap Kok ()Heydar Aliyev Int'l () 12:09 HKT 16:23 +04 8:13
11.03.2025 B748Kuala Lumpur ()Hongkong Chek Lap Kok () 06:28 +08 09:44 HKT 3:16
10.03.2025 B744Luxemburg ()Kuala Lumpur () 09:26 CET 04:19 +08 (+1) 11:53
09.03.2025 B748Los Angeles ()Luxemburg () 11:48 PDT 06:04 CET (+1) 10:15
09.03.2025 B748Anchorage ()Los Angeles () 03:13 AKDT 08:54 PDT 4:41
09.03.2025 B748Hongkong Chek Lap Kok ()Anchorage () 08:32 HKT 00:26 AKST 8:53
08.03.2025 B748Al Maktoum Int'l ()Hongkong Chek Lap Kok () 20:17 +04 06:31 HKT (+1) 6:13
08.03.2025 B748Luxemburg ()Nahe Dubai 08:55 CET Last seen 17:58 +04 6:02
08.03.2025 B748Heydar Aliyev Int'l ()Luxemburg () 04:43 +04 06:03 CET 4:20
07.03.2025 B744Hongkong Chek Lap Kok ()Heydar Aliyev Int'l () 15:09 HKT 19:39 +04 8:30
07.03.2025 B744Hongkong Chek Lap Kok ()Luxemburg () 15:09 HKT umgeleitet
07.03.2025 B744Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt ()Hongkong Chek Lap Kok () 05:02 +07 07:56 HKT 1:54
06.03.2025 B744Bahrain ()Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt () 16:06 +03 02:43 +07 (+1) 6:37
06.03.2025 B744Luxemburg ()Bahrain () 06:38 CET 14:27 +03 5:49
05.03.2025 B744Budapest ()Luxemburg () 19:14 CET 20:37 CET 1:23
05.03.2025 B748Heydar Aliyev Int'l ()Budapest () 16:27 +04 16:40 CET 3:13
05.03.2025 B748Hongkong Chek Lap Kok ()Heydar Aliyev Int'l () 10:31 HKT 14:54 +04 8:22
04.03.2025 B748Hamad Int'l ()Hongkong Chek Lap Kok () 19:56 +03 07:26 HKT (+1) 6:30
04.03.2025 B744Luxemburg ()Hamad Int'l () 09:35 CET 17:21 +03 5:45
04.03.2025 B744Luxemburg ()Al Maktoum Int'l () 09:35 CET umgeleitet
03.03.2025 B748Miami ()Luxemburg () 16:18 EST 06:13 CET (+1) 7:55
03.03.2025 B748Lake Hood ()Miami () 02:15 AKST 13:15 EST 6:59
03.03.2025 B748Hongkong Chek Lap Kok ()Anchorage () 08:41 HKT 00:43 AKST 9:02
02.03.2025 B748Luxemburg ()Hongkong Chek Lap Kok () 09:42 CET 03:49 HKT (+1) 11:06
01.03.2025 B748Los Angeles ()Luxemburg () 10:57 PST 06:06 CET (+1) 10:09
28.02.2025 B748Luxemburg ()Los Angeles () 20:33 CET 22:05 PST 10:32
27.02.2025 B748Los Angeles ()Luxemburg () 20:21 PST 15:23 CET (+1) 10:02
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