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Boeing Dreamlifter (N780BA) - GTI4512 lifts off runway 16R for a flight to RJGG/NGO on 2/6/12. (LN:778 cn 24310).
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Boeing Dreamlifter (N780BA)


GTI4512 lifts off runway 16R for a flight to RJGG/NGO on 2/6/12. (LN:778 cn 24310).


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Henry E Romance
interesting design. with that kind of looks, it would not seem it would even get off the ground, but as it appears, it does its job of transporting gigantic objects.
Karim Koueider
Kill it with fire
This is Boeing's 747 that transports the wings (among other items) of aircraft currently under build in the Washington factory.
john fusco
nice,nice aircraft.one of the best built.such a beauty to watch it fly,take off and landing.also what can fit in,and the weight it can handle.2 thumbs up
Bob Hackney
Specifically, the FOUR (4) Dreamlifter aircraft are model 747-400s modified to transport the major components of the 787 Dreamliners from the fabrication/assembly facilities in Japan, Italy, Charleston, NC & Wichita, KS to the 787 FINAL Assembly lines in Everett, WA & Charleston. These components are the wings & complete fuselage sections (fwd, main & aft.
Currently,(July 2015) Boeing is assembling 10 787(-8 & -9)aircraft per month ...8 in Everett & 2 in Charleston. Eventually, ALL -10 787s will be assembled in Charleston. Consequently, these FOUR 747 Dreamlifters are airborne most of the time somewhere between Japan, Everett, & Italy!!!
Matthew Baldwin
why kill it with fire?
Matthew Baldwin
it is Balla
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
04.03.2025 BLCFMc Connell Afb ()Charleston Intl/AFB () 12:12 CST 15:13 EST 2:01
04.03.2025 BLCFCharleston Intl/AFB ()Mc Connell Afb () 08:04 EST 09:35 CST 2:31
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