48 Stimmen (4.46 Durchschnitt) und 9.112 Ansichten  

Piaggio P.180 Avanti (C-GRTG) - Photo Credit: Alex Pierzak
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Piaggio P.180 Avanti (C-GRTG)


Photo Credit: Alex Pierzak


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Robert Cowling
Love the P.180!
serge LOTH
Funny shape but it's a very confortable and performer aircraft..
Lovely picture. Yet to see one "in the flesh" as I (and many others I suspect) hear them quite often...
Has the company found a buyer yet?
wonderfull plane
The weather conditions do not portray just how sexy this aircraft type is. Leave it to the Italians to combine technology and aesthetics. Kinda like a Ferrari for the sky!
The weather conditions do not portray just how sexy this aircraft type is. Leave it to the Italians to combine technology and aesthetics. Kinda like a Ferrari for the sky!
Brad Wong
Sexiest aircraft ever, so beautiful.
I love to see pictures of this aircraft. It is so sexy and awesome looking. I wonder if they are still making it. I used to hear one fly over my house often, but not lately. A very distinctive sound for sure
Totally agree with all of the above comments.
Last time I saw one of these, there were two next to each other at Centennial Airport south of Denver Tech Center.
They appeared in disrepair and left outside.
Aviation starts and ends with lots of money!
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