70 Stimmen (4.63 Durchschnitt) und 12.280 Ansichten  

Cirrus Vision SF50 (N507SA)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Cirrus Vision SF50 (N507SA)



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105 Views and 20 for 20 Excellent Votes. Nicely done so far.
Viv Pike
Notwithstanding that this (FA) is "supposed" to be an "Aircraft Spotting Gallery". It's a nice pic, very artistic, but I am not a member here to view scenery and sunsets, et al. I am here to see good aircraft photos. Congrats on getting 20/20 - but, for me at least - I want to see good "aircraft" photos. OK - enough ranting, I'm out. (It is a good photo, just btw).

ken kemper
Wonderful Capture Joel !!
For the time it took you to comment, you could just move on to another photo.
billybob Hocutt
Amen Hacksaw55
+1 for Hacksaw55
a mentor
IMO, nice to see something other than runways, ramps and contrails.
+2 for Hacksaw55
always one moaner
Viv Pike
Who is moaning? It's a very good pic.
Kam Bahrami
+3 for Hacksaw55
Stephen Garland
Great shot.
Colton Fletcher
great shot
Möchten Sie eine vollständige Historiensuche für N507SA bis ins Jahr 1998 zurück? Jetzt kaufen und innerhalb einer Stunde erhalten.
Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
13.03.2025 SF50Northwest Arkansas Ntl ()Addison () 17:08 CDT 18:11 CDT 1:03
13.03.2025 SF50Fort Wayne Intl ()Northwest Arkansas Ntl () 15:21 EDT 16:22 CDT 2:00
09.03.2025 SF50John C Tune ()Fort Wayne Intl () 14:30 CDT 16:38 EDT 1:07
08.03.2025 SF50Fort Wayne Intl ()John C Tune () 13:33 EST 13:42 CST 1:09
03.03.2025 SF50McGhee Tyson ()Fort Wayne Intl () 15:07 EST 16:24 EST 1:16
28.02.2025 SF50Fort Wayne Intl ()McGhee Tyson () 11:21 EST 12:31 EST 1:09
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