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SUPERMARINE Spitfire (PNR202) - These 4 images of Spitfire RV202 operated by Flying with Spitfires.com especially historic as they were taken at Southampton Airport UK on the 80th Anniversary of the first flight of the Supermarine Spitfire on 5 March 1936, the pilot was Mutt Summers. The Spit was probably the most famous fighter of WW2, and was instrumental in the winning of the Battle of Britain along with the Hawker Hurricane in early summer 1940.This Spitfire aircraft was built as a single-seat LFlX fighter at the Castle Bromwich factory of Vickers Supermarine in 1944 as part of contract No. B981687/39.  It was delivered to the Royal Air Force at No.33 Maintenance Unit at Lyneham in Wiltshire as PV202 on 18/09/44 where it was brought up to operational standard for service delivery.
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These 4 images of Spitfire RV202 operated by 'Flying with Spitfires.com' especially historic as they were taken at Southampton Airport UK on the 80th Anniversary of the first flight of the Supermarine Spitfire on 5 March 1936, the pilot was Mutt Summers. The 'Spit' was probably the most famous fighter of WW2, and was instrumental in the winning of the Battle of Britain along with the Hawker Hurricane in early summer 1940.This Spitfire aircraft was built as a single-seat LFlX fighter at the Castle Bromwich factory of Vickers Supermarine in 1944 as part of contract No. B981687/39. It was delivered to the Royal Air Force at No.33 Maintenance Unit at Lyneham in Wiltshire as PV202 on 18/09/44 where it was brought up to operational standard for service delivery.


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