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VOUGHT-SIKORSKY V-166 Corsair (N9964Z) - Wings were folding up while taxiing at the Atlanta Air Show 2021. Photo taken on 5/22/2021.
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VOUGHT-SIKORSKY V-166 Corsair (N9964Z)


Wings were folding up while taxiing at the Atlanta Air Show 2021. Photo taken on 5/22/2021.


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Diana Rose
Sooo Cool!
Diana Rose
Sooo Cool!
Charles Blackwell
great photo, beautiful aircraft!
Phil Townrow
In my mind I see the wings going up and down trying to take off. Nice photo
serge LOTH
My favorite!!! A thought to Gregg Boyington..5* The engine noise is classic music..
looks like it could flap its wings and take off :>)
Tom Fox
Designed and built with a slide rule. Amazing airplane....great photo.
Micky ch
I remember that TV series from the 70's - 80's "The Baa Baa Black Sheep's" with Greg "Papi" Boyington an the full gang. Thank you for the good memories.
Ken Fedder
Nice pic, I made a plastic model of the Corsair when I was 10 years old, 65 years ago. That plan flew in my dreams…
M Bodkin
I still have the copy of "Baa Baa Black Sheep" that I purchased in 1957. Major Boyington was one of my boyhood heroes, and I still think the Corsair was the most beautiful single seat aircraft in history.
Greg Byington
That's a pretty sweet pic! I LOVE the Corsair! And just for the record, the name was Gregory "Pappy" Boyington (December 4, 1912 – January 11, 1988), per Wikipedia.
Ronald McCullough
My mother worked on these at Brusters, Hatboro, Pa. Mid 40's. I was 7 yr's then. Always my favorite
Stephen Garland
One of my favorite aircraft. Great shot!
sal derosa
Always wanted to run up and give this girl a hug and gentle kiss when it was around!
A lifetime dreams pass through this photo!
Great pic!!
Life's big quandary - if I hit the lottery - Mustang or Corsair???
Bobby Conway
Track this flight today. Awesome.
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