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Short Skyvan (N731E)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Short Skyvan (N731E)



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Phil Townrow
Nice shot of the flying shed👍🇬🇧
Martin Allan
Just like Dumbo and bumble bees. It "Believes" it can fly and that faith is miraculous. I have flown in one as passenger with Gill Airways from Prestwick to Belfast a few times they are very competent little craft.
frank theriault
So ugly it's cute.
I flew in these for years in the Caribbean skies
......they can get up & down well
Preston Daniel
Couple hundred jumps out of one of these lovely birds! One of my favorite! Good times!
Great shot! I still can't believe this thing can fly...
Richard Mallory
I lived in Southern Alberta during the 1970s and 1980s and flew an airline called Time Air. Southern Alberta is one of the most windy places on earth and Time Air flew these for a number of years. Always wondered why in the world the airline flew these. Bought cheaply?
They could (and still can) carry a vehicle inside the hold on the power of 2 ultra reliable TPE 331's. Nothing else available that can do that.
William Owens
Like being in the cockpit of a Gulfstream Sun Vista A-Body with the tag axle
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