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Boeing 757-200 (N193AN)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing 757-200 (N193AN)



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David Mortimer
Great photo, like the way the wings show the effects of the lifting forces. However, I wonder if this is a departure from KSAN (San Diego) rather than KLAX?
HAKLSPhoto Uploader
Thanks David, glad you like the photo! This is a LAX departure. Haven't had the chance to spot in SAN yet.
Carl Hahn
Definitely KLAX. That is El Segundo High School at the top of the photo. The left wing is over Pepper Street, looking South. Love to know how exactly it was taken.
Mark Thomas
Helicopter and a long lens CarlJodie… that would be my guess. You can get helicopter flights over LAX from a nearby helicopter tour company (name escapes me right now) 24 hours notice to air traffic control and a spare $500 and you're good to go. I'm hoping to do same this summer!
Steven Coker
That would make it a quite rare departure over land instead of the usual departures over the Pacific.
Carl Hahn
The departure was indeed over the Pacific. It had not yet cleared the runway. El Segundo borders LAX to the South. I was hoping HAKLS would give more details of the photo. Platform, altitude, camera, lens, etc
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12.03.2025 B752Antonio B. Won Pat ()Nahe Yigo, GU 07:47 ChST Last seen 08:09 ChST 0:22
08.03.2025 B752Nahe Yigo, GUAntonio B. Won Pat () First seen 08:16 UTC 19:00 ChST 0:43
08.03.2025 B752Antonio B. Won Pat ()Nahe Rota Island, MP 07:44 ChST Last seen 22:07 UTC (-1) 0:23
06.03.2025 B752Yap Intl ()Antonio B. Won Pat () 20:13 +10 21:25 ChST 1:11
06.03.2025 B752Palau Int'l (Babelthuap/Koror) ()Yap Intl () 17:04 +09 18:46 +10 0:42
06.03.2025 B752Antonio B. Won Pat ()Palau Int'l (Babelthuap/Koror) () 15:35 ChST 16:20 +09 1:44
05.03.2025 B752Nahe Yigo, GUAntonio B. Won Pat () 18:32 ChST 19:01 ChST 0:28
05.03.2025 B752Antonio B. Won Pat ()Nahe Rota Island, MP 07:49 ChST Last seen 08:08 ChST 0:19
01.03.2025 B752Nahe Yigo, GUAntonio B. Won Pat () 07:59 UTC 18:42 ChST 0:43
01.03.2025 B752Antonio B. Won Pat ()Nahe Rota Island, MP 07:47 ChST Last seen 22:13 UTC (-1) 0:25
27.02.2025 B752Yap Intl ()Antonio B. Won Pat () 19:42 +10 20:55 ChST 1:13
27.02.2025 B752Palau Int'l (Babelthuap/Koror) ()Yap Intl () 17:04 +09 18:49 +10 0:44
27.02.2025 B752Antonio B. Won Pat ()Nahe Babelthuap Island, PW 15:40 ChST Last seen 16:00 +09 1:19
26.02.2025 B752Nahe Yigo, GUAntonio B. Won Pat () First seen 08:21 UTC 19:03 ChST 0:41
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