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Boeing C-135FR Stratotanker — - A KC135 taxiing at PHX on 2/10/23 during the Super Bowl rush. Taken with a Canon R7 and Canon EF 100-400 II L lens.
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Boeing C-135FR Stratotanker —


A KC135 taxiing at PHX on 2/10/23 during the Super Bowl rush. Taken with a Canon R7 and Canon EF 100-400 II L lens.


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Paul Barrett
That's no A model. Probably an R as it's an Arizona ANG Tanker.
Keith Brown
@Paul Barrett Yep, I was going to say the same thing, based on the high-bypass turbofans (for those that don't know the 'R' as I was told stands for 'Re-engined'). The airframe might have been an 'A' at one time. I used to work these at a tower and they are amazingly quiet compared to the old turbojet models with water injection, I got to experience those at KDYS, mother lover they were loud, and trailed smoke like a steam engine.
Tim Bynum
ChrisG8991Photo Uploader
Thanks all! Not super familiar with military jets.
Jose Flavio DE SOUZA
Super Tanque. Lindo .
John Middaugh
I got to ride in my first KC-135 in Jan '66 while going on R&R to Japan from Tan-Son Nhuyet, VN. A sweet flight!
George General
Definitely a KC-135R.
James Simms
Paul; looking @ a closeup of the tail fin, it looks to be an AZANG bird.


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