46 Stimmen (4.48 Durchschnitt) und 8.766 Ansichten  

SINGAPORE TA-4 Super Skyhawk (13-9947) - United States A4A skyhawk. Blue Angels, parked at Maps air museum. 1954-1979 Era. "Skyhawk" *Staff Pick!*
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SINGAPORE TA-4 Super Skyhawk (13-9947)


United States A4A skyhawk. Blue Angels, parked at Maps air museum. 1954-1979 Era. "Skyhawk" *Staff Pick!*


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Alan Brown
It is great to remember our history of flight in all of its varied ways.
Plane looks naked without drop tanks. It also lost it's tailhook and IFR probe.
avgeekedPhoto Uploader
@themold, It is going to be parked for good amount of time, so less weight is probably better.
Roger Vazquez
MAPS at CAK is a gem if you ever have a chance to visit
avgeekedPhoto Uploader
@Roger Vazquez It surely is!
Robert Sloane
brings back a few memories
Richard Waldren
See the DMZ in your A4-E, America is telling you to go.
Mark Bullock
Sky Scooter
Bob Harrington
I didn't think the Blues ever flew the early model Scooters(?) - is this a museum repaint, or an ex-USN traveling exhibit?
avgeekedPhoto Uploader
@Bob Harrington, The website does state "our A-4A is painted and marked to represent an A-4F as flown by the US Navy Blue Angels Demonstration Team from 1974-1986." For more information visit: https://mapsairmuseum.org/douglas-a-4a-skyhawk-2/
I remember as a kid seeing the Thunderbirds flying F4's. It was so awesome.
a mentor
i'm always amazed when I see the lack of searching present here; it's as if Google doesn't exist - sigh. Seaching for Blue Angels, the first return
makes the question irrelevant
Greg Byington
Nice pic, avgeeked! If you change the Aircraft Type Code to just "A4" it should display correctly. Also, for chugheset, you might like a couple of my pics of a T-bird F-4 here:


and here:


And that is a good link, a mentor!
avgeekedPhoto Uploader
Thank you, Greg Byington!!
Glenn Mottley
Wouldn't a TA-4 be a 2 seater?....Keeps good company, an A-7 in the background.
avgeekedPhoto Uploader
Glenn Mottley, according to the Museum website it is a Douglas A4A.
a mentor
Glenn Mottley
Thanks, I think we can appreciate your knowledge base and thank you for sharing.
Glenn Mottley
a mentor, at your suggestion, a deeper dive to avgeeked's provided MAPS link (thank you!), revealed that this particular aircraft and I crossed paths a few times in our combined histories. Robert Sloane, ... indeed! "Brings back a few memories" Thank you all.

To show the other end of the A-4 timeline by BUNO, Seattle's Museum of flight has an A-4F (BUNO 154180) that did fly as a Blue. Link https://www.museumofflight.org/aircraft/douglas-4f-skyhawk-ii
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