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Beechcraft King Air 90 (N8116L) - N8116L encountered mechanical trouble and ditched near Aruba.
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Beechcraft King Air 90 (N8116L)


N8116L encountered mechanical trouble and ditched near Aruba.


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Hmmm… I wonder why no historic data :)?
Jan Esbra
good ditching!!
Jesse Carroll
Floats real nicely!
Bob Plested
Where are the ditching exits on a king air? the main door is closed up.
Mech trouble = fuel starvation. On delivery flight.

Amazing job of keeping it in one piece...too bad they couldn't retrieve it before it sank.
The crew made up by the owner(s) was probably too eager to get home in Brazil and were stretching the range right starting with Leg 1 (they ditched on Leg 2) a bit too far and they ruined an otherwise jewel of a plane. Now floating on seawater means a total loss even if they did a profesional job during ditching all due to the salt that chews up in a few seconds.
Jim Quinn
Damn ferry tank failures
Richard Ashley
Interesting.........the owner is Wells Fargo Bank in Salt Lake City
Regardless that is NOT a situation I would want to be in
sam kuminecz
helping the environment...artificial reef
If you go to this link ( http://aviationdb.net/aviationdb/AircraftDetailPage#SUBMIT ) you will find the complete story.
David Swinburne
Linda Nitzschke
Rather expensive fishing trip.
Nate Rasband
looks like no casualties!
I was never happy with the king air fuel system !
But in fairness if it has jet fuel in it, it works quite well !
juan Malave
Pilots Testing Emergency Floating Devices...
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