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BOEING 737-400 (C-FLER)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

BOEING 737-400 (C-FLER)



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Based on the massive amount of burned rubber from the main landing gear impact, apparently, the airline changed it's name from "Flair Aire" to "Lumbar Disc Compression" Air.
If you zoom-in enough, you can see the captain covering his face with his arms, and, the 1st Officer landing the 737 dropping an open mike F-Bomb.
Don't believe me, check the BOLDFACE in the POH.
No tail strike. A litte high on the pitch at touchdown but who knows why .. we weren't there.

As to POH, there's no such thing in the transport category aircraft world. Surely you meant the AFM.
jim garrity
They could change the name to, "Scare Air"! Like cevrbil said,"we weren't there"!
Robert Cowling
I'd be concerned that such an old plane had such a hard landing, but all jokes aside, I've been on a few planes that really landed hard. One that slammed down, and then bounced a few times. Several people yelled 'YEA HAH!!!'. Once, coming into LGA, we bounced from one wheel to the next. We were the last flight in for several hours. As we were leaving, a guy ahead of me for the exit asked who flew that landing, and then told them 'nice job, but it was reckless'. *shrug*
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