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N133HH —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

N133HH —



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Colin Seftel
Correct type is T-33 (Lockheed Shooting Star)
Henk Stok
Canadair CT33 Silver Star
Richard Lussier
Henk Stok is correct. N133HH was manufactured in 1954 for the RCAF by Canadair Lt. (serial #133452) under license from Lockheed. I guess it's difficult to tell from the photo alone, but it is a Silver Star by virtue of its manufacturer. I was curious so looked up the aircraft in the FAA registry and read more about the 1951 license agreement.
jesse kyzer
Phil Nolden
Nice old bird. I first flew in the back seat of a T-33 back in 1965 as a college student, being recruited by both the Air Force and the Navy since I was in ROTC and already had a private ticket. Nice guy in the front seat made the takeoff and let me fly it from the back seat for a while. It was hot in late spring, but the T-33 cooled off nicely once airborne.

The Navy sent a guy in a T-34. He flew a few loops and rolls, pulled a few G's trying to get me airsick (he failed), never let me touch the controls, and the bird was hot as hell inside.

I picked the Air Force :)
Nice shot! Still a gorgeous airplane!
Lockheed Shooting Star names the F-80 single-seat fighter version of that airframe.
a mentor
Originally, The Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star was the first jet fighter used operationally by the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) during World War II.

P-80 Shooting Star: The Fighter Jet that Took Out America’s Top Flying Ace of WWII due to a flame-out on takeoff.
Jose Flavio DE SOUZA
Chequei a ver na década de 1970 este tipo de ANV T33 na Base Aérea do Recife - Pernambuco - Brazil ´
Michael Boring
@Phil Nolden - you made the right choice.
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