13 Stimmen (4.50 Durchschnitt) und 7.924 Ansichten  

GLOSTER Meteor (VH-MBX) - Built in 1949 in the UK by Gloster and is the only Gloster Meteor F.8 flying in the world.br /This Meteor was originally flew with the RAF with serial no. VZ467 until 1982. After being retired from the RAF the Meteor was privately owned and operated in the UK.br /Later being purchased by the Temora Aviation Museum and transported to Australia she was given the registration VH-MBX and re-took to the skies in 2001.br /Since being re-painted the aircraft carries the markings of a Korean War era Meteor operated by RAAF 77 Squadron and flown by Sgt. George Hale. br /br /br /<a href="a rel=nofollow href=http://www.aviationmuseum.com.au/aircraft_colection/meteor/index.html&quothttp://www.aviationmuseum.com.au/aircraft_colection/meteor/index.html"/a; rel="nofollow">a rel=nofollow href=http://www.aviationmuseum.com.au/aircraft_colection/meteor/index...</a&gtwww.aviationmuseum.com.au/aircraft_colection/meteor/index...</a>/a;
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll



Built in 1949 in the UK by Gloster and is the only Gloster Meteor F.8 flying in the world.
This Meteor was originally flew with the RAF with serial no. VZ467 until 1982. After being retired from the RAF the Meteor was privately owned and operated in the UK.
Later being purchased by the Temora Aviation Museum and transported to Australia she was given the registration VH-MBX and re-took to the skies in 2001.
Since being re-painted the aircraft carries the markings of a Korean War era Meteor operated by RAAF 77 Squadron and flown by Sgt. George Hale.

<a href="http://www.aviationmuseum.com.au/aircraft_colection/meteor/index.html"; rel="nofollow">www.aviationmuseum.com.au/aircraft_colection/meteor/index...</a>;


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