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North American Trojan (N745W)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

North American Trojan (N745W)



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We used to fuel with 115-145. Now 100LL.
Nice pic and I have a pic of #744!
kenneth haltom
I used to love to see these things fly at Saufley Field back in 1966. It was great watching them come in in formation and break off to land. Hard to forget the sound of those big radial engines.
William Medlin
I Remember my last flight in a T-28 leading a flight of four into the break at NAS Pensacola after Carrier Qualification aboard the USS Antietam CV=36, 16 Sep 1959.
Very nice plane but the Writh R-1820 engine's sounds are not my favorite by any means. Compare those with the sounds of a B-17 on take off and right overhead, now that is lovely music to the ears.
John Webb
To Chalet: it essentially the same engine as in the B-17…maybe you like the sound of 4 instead of 1. Have you ever been near a T-28 while it’s engine is running? If you have not, maybe you should before you pass judgment. Have you ever flown one?
Chris Croft
Bill Medlin, you must have been in flight training around the same time as Capt. John MCcain. You are among a long list of Navy pilots that logged their first "trap" aboard the Old Antietam. Also during those years many Midshipman from the Naval Academy served aboard Antietam for their annual cruises. As for leading your 4 ship flight back to Pensacola, I trust the intervals were 4.0! GO NAVY!
Möchten Sie eine vollständige Historiensuche für N745W bis ins Jahr 1998 zurück? Jetzt kaufen und innerhalb einer Stunde erhalten.
Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
23.02.2025 T28Stanly County ()Concord-Padgett Rgnl () 15:24 EST 15:41 EST 0:16
23.02.2025 T28Gilliam - Mc Connell Airfield ()Stanly County () 14:31 EST 14:46 EST (?) 0:14
23.02.2025 T28Concord-Padgett Rgnl ()Gilliam - Mc Connell Airfield () 12:26 EST 12:52 EST 0:26
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