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BOEING 727-200 (N726CK)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

BOEING 727-200 (N726CK)



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John Rumble
Rare bird
I lived off 27R in Miami when they were the Staple of Eastern and many other airlines
All conversation stopped and the dishes rattled on the shelf when they went over at about 2500 ft
Patrick McCoy
I probably shook up your dishes more than once!
John Shearer
This great shot features smoke from the tires as the landing is made. Looking at the itinerary reveals high dollar horses are the cargo. Fine old gal, the 727's, that I had the privilege to fly over 24 years at EAL.
Chuck Pergiel
It looks like it is a passenger plane that was converted to cargo by painting over the windows.
Robert Cowling
Decades ago, obviously, I used to fly in those out of the local small town airport. They ran fewer flights, so they were often, surprisingly, full. It was such a great experience, Real bins, large comfortable seats, a great memory compared to today's RJ experience. Cramped filthy planes, cancelled, delayed, small bins, smaller 'rest rooms', smaller hard seats. Yippee.

A 727, likely headed for Kalitta, landed at the local airport, and it was pretty awesome to see it come in and land. Brought back memories of a more comfortable and civilized time in American air travel.
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