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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (12-5762) - MC-130J Hercules USAF
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (12-5762)


MC-130J Hercules USAF


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Great picture
Joel Payne
A FAR cry from the old "B" & "E" models I used to fly.
Terrence Gabriel
Hard to believe I rode one of these birds into Dong Ha in October, 1967 at 0200 with no lights. On my way to Con Thien for radio duty. I loved the C-130 and this photo is a good reason why.
D Kaufman
You'd probably like this article about this 'Badass Plane', Terrence Gabriel.
Thomas Ray
The B-52, the KC-135, and the C-130 will probably outlast me, and all were first accepted for duty within 4 years of my birth (1959). Living near Fort Liberty (formerly Bragg) and Pope field / AFB I've seen this bird all my life, and it still WOWs me each time. In the 60's there was that one little incident (Broken Arrow}, but the BUFFs were beyond awesome! Guess I've lived and will die an aircraft nerd!
John Middaugh
I first jumped out of one in late Fall of'59. An incredible aircraft!
John Middaugh
I first jumped out of one in late '59. An incredible aircraft!
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