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Boeing PT-17 Kaydet (N582WH)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing PT-17 Kaydet (N582WH)



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sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
the N2S, N3N, PT-13 and the PT-17 all share the same IACO code Stearman Model 75...(ST75)
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
It was on wheels and had floats next to the right wing...don't know if it's being restored as a floatplane or with wheels...very interesting aircraft

Jim I'm not saying your wrong.....your right 100% it is a NAF aircraft...I'm just limited on putting what aircraft type it is on FA
John, I don't really have a dog in this fight, but I certainly did enjoy Sam's photo of this rare aircraft. That said, don't be too hard on Jim. He's really a nice guy, possesses a very keen and expert knowledge of aircraft types... and while his postings may come across a bit "direct" perhaps... his input is useful. Jim means no one any harm at all. I'm sure Sam knew it wasn't a Stearman, and the real issue here is that FA has data entry problems/glitches that often cause much confusion therein.
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
John...Jim is a good man whom I respect very much...he is knowledgeable and a phenomenal photographer...you just got to know him and he's a good friend...
He's corrected me because I've been wrong on postings and or FA issues...I appreciate every word he says and take it as a mentor teaching a younger guy history...
Well stated, Sam... and everything aside, this photo is truly an example of "5" star aircraft photography!!!
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
Cliff I respect you too very much...if someone complains about u...let me know I got your back 100%
sam kumineczPhoto Uploader
John it's fine...takes a man to admit he's wrong...courage...
I know what you mean...keyboard courage...people commenting on photos negatively and they don't have any to show for themselves...or the 1 star rater...some douche goes around and votes everything a 1 star...

I'm honest...I'd say most of my photos are2-3 star...some 1 maybe a 4 ...
I don't care...I'll stand in a 45 degree rain in a poncho to take a snap at a plane...I do it because I love aviation...never know what you'll see...
I spot at KBUF... Mostly it's GA and rjs...biggest plane we get in daily is united 739 or delta's mad dog.
I don't mind...I love it...just not looking forward to winter here at "the buf"
John, not to worry... no apology needed at all.
Sam, I do appreciate your kind words. Thanks!
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