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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll




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Greg Byington
Very nice, Uwe!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Thank you Greg!!
Hi! UweZinke!

This is the Japanese I was filming with on this day.
Thank you very much for taking care of me on this day.

After that, I moved to Munich, but it was hard because of the heavy snow.
My flight to Munich was canceled, and I went back to Frankfurt and returned to Japan.

After returning to Japan, I got infected with corona and started editing photos at last😅

Japan is now in a serious situation due to accidents between JAL and the Self-Defense Forces.
I was just working, and the smell of the fire came out.

If you ever go to Frankfurt again, let's go together then!
Thank you for helping me make memories!
I look forward to working with you again.
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Hi Unakichi!!
When i saw the pic of the Compas Air 747, ;m thinking by myself, it will be the young man from Japan.
Yes we've had anice day at my homebase. Learn a lot of your Contry!!! If you want a direct contact give me message.
Email [email protected]
Yes i saw the accident on tv, terrible!!

If you ever come back to Frankfurt will be on your side!!
See you!!
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12.03.2025 B744Hongkong Chek Lap Kok () 09:57 HKT In der Luft
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