61 Stimmen (4.70 Durchschnitt) und 41.435 Ansichten  

BOEING 747-8 (D-ABYU) - hot yellow evening sun after thunderstorm and heavy rain.2016-10-02
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll



hot yellow evening sun after thunderstorm and heavy rain.2016-10-02


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Greg Byington
Very nice, Uwe!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you Greg!
Greg Byington
Dave Sheehy
Perfection- love the vapor trails going over the wings! Well done Uwe!
Roy Hunte
Wow, wonderful shot Uwe! Keep it up friend!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Hi Dave!
thank you
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Hi Roy!
thank you!
hope the sun is nearly the same as on the Caribbeans!?
Greetings form a froggy Germany today.
well done Uwe. Love it 5* !
peter tomlinson
excellent shot , very dramatic against the dark sky and the heat shimmer
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Hi John!
thank you!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Hi Peter!
thank you, best light this year!
2 thumbs up, Uwe...another fantastic shot!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you!
A.Levent Bekdik
Gentle giant, I like that A/C
renato basso
the queen
Steven H Wilcox
Nice sunset colors, stormy sky, and majestic aircraft.
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you, like this aircraft also!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Hi Renato,
yes the QUEEN!
Sunil Kurian
I was wondering the location until I saw the Berlin Airlift Memorial. Obviously not Berlin, therefore Frankfurt/Rhein Main.
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you Sunil
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
Yes this is the second part of the Berlin Airlift Memorial, located in Frankfurt!!
marylou anderson
nice lighting and color
Lester Chan
Boeing 747-8! always the most graceful airliner in my heart! Awesome
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you Marylou!
Uwe ZinkePhoto Uploader
thank you Lester!
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21.12.2024 B748Frankfurt am Main ()Singapur () 21:55 CET 16:40 +08 (+1) Planmäßig
15.12.2024 B748Newark ()Frankfurt am Main () 18:49 EST 07:31 CET (+1) 6:42
15.12.2024 B748Frankfurt am Main ()Newark () 14:05 CET 16:12 EST 8:07
14.12.2024 B748San Francisco ()Frankfurt am Main () 16:01 PST 10:36 CET (+1) 9:35
14.12.2024 B748Frankfurt am Main ()San Francisco () 10:46 CET 13:19 PST 11:32
13.12.2024 B748OR Tambo Int'l ()Frankfurt am Main () 20:13 SAST 05:09 CET (+1) 9:55
12.12.2024 B748Frankfurt am Main ()OR Tambo Int'l () 22:33 CET 09:47 SAST (+1) 10:14
12.12.2024 B748Bengaluru Int'l ()Frankfurt am Main () 04:23 IST 09:20 CET 9:27
11.12.2024 B748Frankfurt am Main ()Bengaluru Int'l () 13:15 CET 01:50 IST (+1) 8:04
11.12.2024 B748Bengaluru Int'l ()Frankfurt am Main () 04:45 IST 09:38 CET 9:22
10.12.2024 B748Frankfurt am Main ()Bengaluru Int'l () 13:47 CET 02:30 IST (+1) 8:12
09.12.2024 B748Buenos Aires-Ezeiza ()Frankfurt am Main () 17:53 -03 10:14 CET (+1) 12:20
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