60 Stimmen (4.75 Durchschnitt) und 11.749 Ansichten  

Airbus A340-500 (VP-BMS) - Las Vegas Sands Corporation A340-541
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Airbus A340-500 (VP-BMS)


Las Vegas Sands Corporation A340-541


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daniel jef
Nicely done!!!
John Giambone
Great Catch! When did you shoot this?
Absolutely wonderful image. Surreal!!
BeecksPhoto Uploader
The photo was shot on Feb, 5th 2021
Fred De Jesus
Gorgeous plane at a perfect angle. Saint Martin.
ken kemper
I love the A340.........almost as pretty as a DC-8

Great photo Beeks.
Harry Kort
Just comparing your shot with the same one by Daniel jef: what happened to the highrise being built in the background in his shot?
daniel jef
@ Harry Kort the high rise building your talking about is just at the tail of the aircraft. just out of the picture.
So, where is the "VP" registration?

And you bet Ken. Find a good pic of a DC-8-61 Stretch with the high-bypass engines and you will see a remarkable similarity to the A340-500 above...


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