Mooney M-20 (N4394H)
Fly in Mexico Farms Airport... Cumberand MD mid 80's
Mexico Farms Fly In....Mid 80'S ?
2200' Grass Strip.
Granddad Joe Brown flew from this small airport in the 30s and 40s before the Cumberland Airport was built.... Including his Longster.. Corbin Baby Ace as well as Cubs....Champs..a new Cherokee 180...a 1967 Mooney Executive and now his new Mooney 201.
2200' Grass Strip.
Granddad Joe Brown flew from this small airport in the 30s and 40s before the Cumberland Airport was built.... Including his Longster.. Corbin Baby Ace as well as Cubs....Champs..a new Cherokee 180...a 1967 Mooney Executive and now his new Mooney 201.
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