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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (73-3300) - Another arrival from Willy Field into Christchurch for the 2021-2022 Deep Freeze season.
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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (73-3300)


Another arrival from Willy Field into Christchurch for the 2021-2022 Deep Freeze season.


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John Winters
Skier 300 National Science Foundation LC-130
Russ Brown
Beautiful shot.
Keith Brown
NY Air Guard out of Syracuse, NY. They've had that mission for a long time now...
James Banas
The Schenectady Guard folks took over the arctic ski mission especially for supporting the two DEW Line sites on the Greenland Icecap from our unit, the 17th TAS at Elmendorf AFB, AK in 1975. Later also took over the Navy's Antarctic mission. I flew the C-130 ski birds (D models) '71-'75. 42 ski landings in the log book. Highly thrilling!
Jim, Captain,USAF (Ret)
Robin Rebhan
Always my favorite aircraft from my home town KSCH. I love to watch them do take off and landings at KSCH & KALB.
Excellent - the lighting and background sky make this look almost like a painting.
Uma Avião com grandes funcionalidades, pau para toda obra.
William Owens
George General
Great photo. I worked on and flew with 57-0490 - 57-0495 at Elmendorf AFB, AK, in the late Sixties, before they were sent to the New York Air Guard. Landing and taking off on the Greenland Ice Cap was a high point of my career.
robert anderson
yes! nice shot of a great plane!
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