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N1713P —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

N1713P —



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Tim Segulin
Excellent shot of a rare bird. The slightly darker sky really helps her to stand out and the flames and heat haze in the exhaust are a bonus. I doubt MiG 17s looked this pretty in actual service!
Robin Rebhan
Great photo! Where was this taken?
ken kemper
Calendar Photo of a Mig 17 !!
John Rumble
I wonder if it has the original engine
Mark Albrecht
Jack White
Million Dollar Photo!
Ken Hardy
Quite a capable aircraft for its day even if the Russians designed it, except it had a short flight duration due to available fuel load
Bror Monberg
Beautiful pic. Info on the Mig15's (leading to the MiG17) development: To Stalin's amazement, the British Labour government and its Minister of Trade, Sir Stafford Cripps, were perfectly willing to provide technical information and a license to manufacture the Rolls-Royce Nene. Sample engines were purchased and delivered with blueprints. Following evaluation and adaptation to Russian conditions, the windfall technology was tooled for mass-production as the Klimov RD-45 to be incorporated into the MiG-15.
Beautiful shot! Beautiful airplane! WOW!
Who would want a supercar when they could have this at a fraction of the cost. Maintenance with pliers and a screwdriver and lands on a dirt strip. What's not to like?
Pardon me. I forgot I'm talking to a bunch of aviation crazies who need no convincing...
bob reeves
Sanmit Basu
whoa! amazing shot!!
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
09.03.2025 UnknownH L Sonny Callahan ()St Elmo () 14:45 CDT 15:04 CDT (?) 0:19
07.03.2025 UnknownH L Sonny Callahan ()H L Sonny Callahan () 18:25 CST 18:36 CST (?) 0:10
05.03.2025 UnknownSt Elmo ()H L Sonny Callahan () 17:35 CST 17:44 CST (?) 0:09
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