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KAWASAKI C-1 (28-1001) - JASDF: Gifu Air Self Defense Force Base
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

KAWASAKI C-1 (28-1001)


JASDF: Gifu Air Self Defense Force Base


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Ian Gregory
Kawasaki makes the good times roll!
Great shot! Five stars isn't enough!
David Seider
Very well done, Sajima!

Beautiful capture!
Chuck Pergiel
Looks to me like the flock trailing the big guy consists of a couple of Phantoms, a couple of F-16's and 3 F-18's. I don't recognize the small birds right up close to the big guy's tail.
France Davis
The small birds right up close to the big guys tail are some variety of A-4 Skyhawks, I believe.
Absolutely not A-4 Skyhawks, they look more like Kawasaki T-4's.
Chuck the so called F-18's are really F-15 Eagles.

Jim is correct...

and the two jets that look like a F-16 are Mitsubishi F-2 types.
nick brick
Are those F-4 Phantom IIs there?
sajimaPhoto Uploader
Thanks to everyone for comment.

From the top ...
XC-1 (test equipment: first machine)
Kawasaki T-4 × 2
F - 4 EJ Kai × 2 (side) & F - 15 J (center)
F - 15 J & F - 15 DJ (side) F - 2 A × 2 (inside)
JASDF: Gifu Air Self Defense Force Base (Kagamihara City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan)
All equipment belonging: Test equipment of the Aerospace Science Laboratory

Shooting will be held at the base air festival in September 2016
chengkun liu
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