37 Stimmen (4.67 Durchschnitt) und 15.026 Ansichten  

North American TB-25 Mitchell (NL3476G) - North American B-25J Mitchell NL3476G Tondelayo at Deer Valley, Arizona on April 13, 2016.
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North American TB-25 Mitchell (NL3476G)


North American B-25J Mitchell NL3476G Tondelayo at Deer Valley, Arizona on April 13, 2016.


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Dave Sheehy
Nice! 5*
Russ Brown
Perfect focus, really clear but with great motion! Great plane.
Larry Hinton
I have an hour of flight time logged in this girl when it was at Paine Field (KPAE), Everett, WA, last June during the Wings of Freedom Tour by the Collins Foundation. Fun to fly but tricky to steer on the ground. I hope it comes back to the area as I would love to fly it again.
James Kellogg
We have been very fortunate to have seen this old girl at Carroll County Regional Airport (DMW) in Westminster, MD as recently as last October with Collings Foundation.
Jim Murray
It was in 1950 while stationed at Andrews AFB another airman and I went to the flight line looking to bum a ride on whatever. A B-25 was being readied for a local flight and we were invited to go along by the crew. We positioned ourselves at the waist gunners positions and were told to stay there. We did and had a wonderful ride. I doubt we could ever do something like that again.
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