300 Stimmen (4.39 Durchschnitt) und 240.778 Ansichten  

Boeing 737-800 (AAL1012) - AAL1012 arrives at KDCA, 12:34am on 7/04/2010.  Taken from the Arlington Memorial Bridge.    http://discussions.flightaware.com/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=269247
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing 737-800 (AAL1012)


AAL1012 arrives at KDCA, 12:34am on 7/04/2010. Taken from the Arlington Memorial Bridge. http://discussions.flightaware.com/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=269247


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very cool. you can tell the airplane has been there, but can't see it.
Amazing how you do that!
Robert Bell
Dave Sheehy
5*, you could post this one on Light Aware also :)
Yusef Elnahas
WOW! How did you do that?
Karter Hickling
Used a really long shutter speed I assume. Fantastic shot, very unique
best pic i have ever seen!
Matha Goram
Beautiful shot but credit to the "tripod" surely!
lawrence bauer
Motion Imagen
GENIAL!!!... una carretera aérea...
Markus Rosenwald
Great pic, congratulations and thx for sharing
malachi milu
nice but i need to see plane
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
06.02.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 19:40 EST 21:33 EST Planmäßig
05.02.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 19:57 EST 21:28 EST Planmäßig
04.02.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 19:43 EST 21:13 EST 1:30
03.02.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 19:43 EST 21:10 EST 1:27
02.02.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 20:28 EST 21:56 EST 1:27
01.02.2025 B38MJohn F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 19:57 EST 21:24 EST 1:27
31.01.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 19:44 EST 21:19 EST 1:35
30.01.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 19:59 EST 21:29 EST 1:29
29.01.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 19:56 EST 21:28 EST 1:32
28.01.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 19:48 EST 21:17 EST 1:28
27.01.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 21:41 EST 23:12 EST 1:31
26.01.2025 A319John F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 20:24 EST 21:56 EST 1:31
25.01.2025 B38MJohn F. Kennedy Int'l ()Charlotte () 19:43 EST 21:15 EST 1:32
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