That's an uncommon Cessna type!
Ppick, thanks for sharing this one with us... and "5" stars!!!
Ppick, thanks for sharing this one with us... and "5" stars!!!
Thank you cliff. That's the thing about going to Oshkosh, you get to see something "new" every trip. Still have at least 1000 photos if not more that I will eventually start posting.
Ppick... You are very welcome! I've never made the trek up to Oshkosh for the EAA fly-in, but I can only imagine what is to be discovered there. My brother who lived in your State (Louisiana) used to go every year for the longest time. I'm looking forward to enjoying the photos you speak of!!!
Möchten Sie eine vollständige Historiensuche für N7223M bis ins Jahr 1998 zurück? Jetzt kaufen und innerhalb einer Stunde erhalten.
Datum | Flugzeug | Abflughafen | Zielflughafen | Abflug | Ankunft | Flugdauer |
26.02.2025 | C175 | Nahe Auburn/Lewiston, ME | Nahe Auburn/Lewiston, ME | First seen 15:29 EST | Last seen 15:31 EST | 0:02 |
26.02.2025 | C175 | Nahe Auburn/Lewiston, ME | Nahe Brunswick, ME | First seen 09:44 EST | Last seen 09:47 EST | 0:03 |
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