5 Stimmen (4.40 Durchschnitt) und 1.796 Ansichten  

BOEING 737-300 (N137CG) - KRDD - super rare shot for me at Redding this jet was here for less than an hour on 8/8/2019 - I was able to leave work on OT 1-hr earlier and just happened to cruise the backside of the runways. T-137 departed for the Tucker Fire in Modoc County, and then returned to McClellan Field in Sacramento for the night. A tip on FB said this is the 1st time this jet was ever at Redding Municipal. Of Course I shot about 120 pics including departure.
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BOEING 737-300 (N137CG)


KRDD - super rare shot for me at Redding this jet was here for less than an hour on 8/8/2019 - I was able to leave work on OT 1-hr earlier and just happened to cruise the backside of the runways. T-137 departed for the Tucker Fire in Modoc County, and then returned to McClellan Field in Sacramento for the night. A tip on FB said this is the 1st time this jet was ever at Redding Municipal. Of Course I shot about 120 pics including departure.


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Gary Schenauer
Is this one of the ex-Southwest fleetbirds that Coulson acquired? We had one here mucho months ago. They look super sharp. Great catch, Alien. * x 6 = ******!
Tom VancePhoto Uploader
Thank ya Gman! yes, without looking 10-6-2019, this is/should be N617SW...
Möchten Sie eine vollständige Historiensuche für N137CG bis ins Jahr 1998 zurück? Jetzt kaufen und innerhalb einer Stunde erhalten.
Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
11.03.2025 B733Chacalluta Int'l ()Guanacaste () 14:50 -03 16:52 CST 5:02
11.03.2025 B733Vina Del Mar ()Chacalluta Int'l () 09:17 -03 11:25 -03 2:08
04.03.2025 B733María Dolores ()Vina Del Mar () 12:07 -03 12:52 -03 (?) 0:45
01.03.2025 B733Vina Del Mar ()María Dolores () 10:42 -03 11:27 -03 (?) 0:44
28.02.2025 B733María Dolores ()Vina Del Mar () 18:53 -03 19:37 -03 (?) 0:43
27.02.2025 B733María Dolores ()Nahe Los Angeles 19:09 -03 Last seen 19:51 -03 0:41
27.02.2025 B733Carriel Sur Int'l ()María Dolores () 16:23 -03 17:11 -03 (?) 0:48
26.02.2025 B733Carriel Sur Int'l ()Carriel Sur Int'l () 18:35 -03 19:23 -03 0:48
26.02.2025 B733Carriel Sur Int'l ()Carriel Sur Int'l () 16:57 -03 17:50 -03 0:52
26.02.2025 B733Carriel Sur Int'l ()Carriel Sur Int'l () 13:31 -03 14:24 -03 0:52
26.02.2025 B733Carriel Sur Int'l ()Carriel Sur Int'l () 12:19 -03 13:11 -03 0:52
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