BOEING 747-300 (N123KJ)
KLAX - March 1989_? Singapore Girl -300 departing 25R for___? I was able to get video of the same jet powering up on 25L for departure from the FedEx lot a few years later- sounded so sweet,,,,
Strong and early rotation for a -300. Not known to be the best climbers. I would have expected it to rotate closer to the north/south taxiway
Great pic Tom.
Of course I don't know the airport to know where a 'normal' rotation would be but perhaps this had a lighter load than usual. I've got a pic of this same aircraft in Adelaide Nov 4, 1989. They certainly worked.
Of course I don't know the airport to know where a 'normal' rotation would be but perhaps this had a lighter load than usual. I've got a pic of this same aircraft in Adelaide Nov 4, 1989. They certainly worked.
Thanks Brett and OZ Gman - I didn't get down to LAX all that often but the rotation and climb out varied daily when I was there, but the -300 here is lifting way before the north/south complex' taxiway...
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