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Boeing MD-11 (N1751K) - KSJC- back in the early 1990 s American flew the MD-11 SJC-NRT ( using the DC-10-30 as the Inaugural jet ) and back with a connecting 757 to BOS-SJC. At times, there were 2 MD-11 s at SJC frequently - and I never knew why. This MD-11 being towed back to the gate from the old Customs building at SJC - a real cut on the citizens of SJC back then. It was embarassing. Then the brilliant ones at SJC decided to build a Custom Inspection building and connect it to the new Terminal A south end and forever wrecking a perfect viewing area on the top floor of the parking garage. SJC went down hill fast after that and airline photographers were screwed from that day on - not to mention the inane SJPD Airport Police driving all of the way up to the top 6th floor just to ask us  what are you doing while standing in front of them with a camera. Photos like this were quickly eliminated when the new Customs building was done.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing MD-11 (N1751K)


KSJC- back in the early 1990 s American flew the MD-11 SJC-NRT ( using the DC-10-30 as the Inaugural jet ) and back with a connecting 757 to BOS-SJC. At times, there were 2 MD-11 s at SJC frequently - and I never knew why. This MD-11 being towed back to the gate from the old Customs building at SJC - a real cut on the citizens of SJC back then. It was embarassing. Then the brilliant ones at SJC decided to build a Custom Inspection building and connect it to the new Terminal A south end and forever wrecking a perfect viewing area on the top floor of the parking garage. SJC went down hill fast after that and airline photographers were screwed from that day on - not to mention the inane SJPD Airport Police driving all of the way up to the top 6th floor just to ask us what are you doing while standing in front of them with a camera. Photos like this were quickly eliminated when the new Customs building was done.


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