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Honda HondaJet (N420LH) - On short final is this 2018 HondaJet HA-420 in the Spring of 2020.
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Honda HondaJet (N420LH)


On short final is this 2018 HondaJet HA-420 in the Spring of 2020.


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Paul Wisgerhof
I know it is just the light and shadows, but at first glance I didn't see the engine supports going to the wing!
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader

There was a 3rd photo taken of that HondaJet on final that I did not post. It is posted now and I think it may answer your question. I took three photos of it on final that day. Thanks for the comment.
Robert Cowling
They look like they would be fun to fly...
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
Robert Cowling:

Thanks for the comment. Fun to fly and one in every garage.
The inspiration of the design is a dolphin due to it's efficiency moving through water. Now knowing that, you can see it in the nose of the aircraft.
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader

Just noticed your comment. A $4.5 million flying fish.
Thanks for the comment.
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03.03.2025 HDJTNortheast Philadelphia ()Piedmont Triad Intl () 07:51 EST 09:01 EST 1:09
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