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Douglas DC-3 (N345AB) - Heading for departure in the Spring of 2022 is this 1941 Douglas DC3C/C-47A Skytrain/Dakota. This aircraft is a veteran of the D-Day invasion of World War II that supported paratroop deployment.
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Douglas DC-3 (N345AB)


Heading for departure in the Spring of 2022 is this 1941 Douglas DC3C/C-47A Skytrain/Dakota. This aircraft is a veteran of the D-Day invasion of World War II that supported paratroop deployment.


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a mentor
the aerodome in the roof marks this as the C-47 Skytrain
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
a mentor:
Thanks for the comment. I did get to talk with crew members and visit the inside of the plane. They pointed out the DC3 civilian and C47 military duties in the war. As far as posting I covered both and most of the Aircraft listed for this is the DC3 so that is the type listed.
a mentor
this view obstructs the port side cargo doors shown here:

the aerodome and cargo doors are the hall marks of the C-47/R4D
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
a mentor:

I took 7 total, I surrounder that thing. If you need to see the PORT side click on all the newest photos of that aircraft and I am sure you will be satisfied with something I took. As much as this aircraft had a 1 1/2 day visit no one else posted anything.
a mentor
see your own pic here:
and here:
show the sliding rails just to the left arm of the STAR

This airframe has so many variants it is often difficult to tell on from the other
warmwyndsPhoto Uploader
a mentor:

Very enlightening those two sites. Sometimes you can simply miss some important details that old aircraft have. Thanks
a mentor
for a list of military variants of this airframe, see

small wonder we all get confused :-)
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