13 Stimmen (4.23 Durchschnitt) und 10.002 Ansichten  

Airbus A319 (N745VJ)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Airbus A319 (N745VJ)



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Gary Schenauer
OMG! This is a FANTASTIC capture!! AA's retro and not one but TWO heritage tails ramped with its present-day paint. The only way this one could have been even more fabulous is if there had been a R, W, and B-on-silver schemebird there. This is a rare treat snap, Ryan, and I greatly appreciate you sharing it. I'll give it a "5" but only because there are only five stars (if I could I'd vote a "10"), and a tip of my spotter's cap to you, too. I love this click!!
Ryan CarsonPhoto Uploader
Thanks Gary. Much appreciated!!
Timothy McDonnell
Great capture shame the wx wasn't nicer for you.
Ryan CarsonPhoto Uploader
Thanks Timothy. Hopefully next time the weather will be on the nicer side.
Dwight Hartje
Excellent lineup, Ryan! I really like this shot!
Ryan CarsonPhoto Uploader
Thanks Dwight
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
11.02.2025 A319Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National ()New Orleans Intl () 15:09 EST 16:55 CST Planmäßig
11.02.2025 A319New Orleans Intl ()Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National () 10:54 CST 14:04 EST Planmäßig
11.02.2025 A319Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National ()New Orleans Intl () 08:10 EST 09:54 CST Planmäßig
10.02.2025 A319Jacksonville ()Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National () 19:03 EST 20:39 EST Planmäßig
10.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Jacksonville () 16:05 EST 17:57 EST Planmäßig
10.02.2025 A319Raleigh/Durham ()Philadelphia () 13:26 EST 14:28 EST Planmäßig
10.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Raleigh/Durham () 11:22 EST 12:23 EST Planmäßig
10.02.2025 A319Fort Lauderdale ()Philadelphia () 07:20 EST 09:43 EST Planmäßig
09.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Fort Lauderdale () 20:33 EST 22:51 EST 2:17
09.02.2025 A319Raleigh/Durham ()Philadelphia () 18:07 EST 18:58 EST 0:50
09.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Raleigh/Durham () 15:49 EST 16:51 EST 1:01
09.02.2025 A319Raleigh/Durham ()Philadelphia () 13:12 EST 14:07 EST 0:55
09.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Raleigh/Durham () 11:03 EST 12:07 EST 1:03
09.02.2025 A319Palm Beach ()Philadelphia () 07:23 EST 09:38 EST 2:15
08.02.2025 A319Palm Beach ()Philadelphia () 15:24 EST 17:40 EST ausgefallen
08.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Palm Beach () 11:44 EST 14:00 EST 2:15
07.02.2025 A319Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National ()Philadelphia () 14:28 EST 14:59 EST 0:31
07.02.2025 A319Hartford ()Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National () 12:25 EST 13:30 EST 1:04
07.02.2025 A319Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National ()Hartford () 10:41 EST 11:27 EST 0:46
07.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Washington-Ronald-Reagan-National () 08:45 EST 09:31 EST 0:46
06.02.2025 A319Southwest Florida Intl ()Philadelphia () 18:03 EST 20:20 EST 2:17
06.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Southwest Florida Intl () 14:36 EST 16:56 EST 2:19
06.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Boston Logan Intl () 14:18 EST 15:13 EST ausgefallen
06.02.2025 A319Austin-Bergstrom Int'l ()Philadelphia () 08:22 CST 12:14 EST 2:52
05.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Austin-Bergstrom Int'l () 19:24 EST 21:50 CST 3:25
05.02.2025 A319Southwest Florida Intl ()Philadelphia () 14:52 EST 17:11 EST 2:18
05.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Southwest Florida Intl () 11:05 EST 13:21 EST 2:16
05.02.2025 A319Charleston Intl/AFB ()Philadelphia () 08:02 EST 09:32 EST 1:29
04.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Charleston Intl/AFB () 18:41 EST 19:59 EST 1:18
04.02.2025 A319Raleigh/Durham ()Philadelphia () 16:41 EST 17:46 EST 1:04
04.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Raleigh/Durham () 14:23 EST 15:21 EST 0:58
04.02.2025 A319Charleston Intl/AFB ()Philadelphia () 11:12 EST 12:35 EST 1:23
04.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Charleston Intl/AFB () 08:42 EST 10:04 EST 1:22
03.02.2025 A319Sarasota/Bradenton Intl ()Philadelphia () 16:28 EST 18:35 EST 2:07
03.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Sarasota/Bradenton Intl () 11:01 EST 13:19 EST 2:17
02.02.2025 A319Sarasota/Bradenton Intl ()Philadelphia () 14:58 EST 17:06 EST 2:08
02.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Sarasota/Bradenton Intl () 11:06 EST 13:34 EST 2:28
02.02.2025 A319Fort Lauderdale ()Philadelphia () 07:09 EST 09:31 EST 2:22
01.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Fort Lauderdale () 17:36 EST 19:58 EST 2:22
01.02.2025 A319Lynden Pindling Int'l (Nassau) ()Philadelphia () 13:29 EST 15:47 EST 2:17
01.02.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Lynden Pindling Int'l (Nassau) () 09:38 EST 12:11 EST 2:33
01.02.2025 A319Portland (Maine) ()Philadelphia () 06:40 EST 07:56 EST 1:16
31.01.2025 A319Philadelphia ()Portland (Maine) () 21:25 EST 22:19 EST 0:53
31.01.2025 A319New Orleans Intl ()Philadelphia () 16:42 CST 19:53 EST 2:10
31.01.2025 A319Philadelphia ()New Orleans Intl () 13:40 EST 15:36 CST 2:56
31.01.2025 A319Austin-Bergstrom Int'l ()Philadelphia () 08:24 CST 12:05 EST 2:41
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