62 Stimmen (4.65 Durchschnitt) und 48.275 Ansichten  

Boeing 747-400 (B-16481) - Matching Colors - These are the days that being a photographer is amazing. Shot in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska on a fall day in Octobrrrrr.Pic of the Week 4/25/2014.©Bo Ryan Photography | a rel=nofollow href=http://www.facebook.com/BoRyanPhotowww.facebook.com/BoRyanPhoto/a Please vote!
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Boeing 747-400 (B-16481)


Matching Colors - These are the days that being a photographer is amazing. Shot in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska on a fall day in Octobrrrrr.Pic of the Week 4/25/2014.©Bo Ryan Photography | www.facebook.com/BoRyanPhoto Please vote!


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Andrew Rafalski
The problem with many of these photos is that they are not identified as to location. Yes, that's a great photo of an EVA 747, but where is this?
Ivan Blakely
Anchorage Alaska .... ie PANC
alex kropf
Very nice.
Donald Pungowiyi
Eva Air is carrying the gold!!!! lol haha
Bo RyanPhoto Uploader
Andrew, this was shot, as Ivan has said, in Anchorage. I've updated the caption. Thanks for looking!
Warren Cockrum
One of the BEST looking pics I've seen in a long time!!! Anchorage, AK is my birth place and I've always loved this aircraft! What an amazing shot! Love the colors!!!
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