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Boeing 747-400 (D-ABTK)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing 747-400 (D-ABTK)



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Christian Base
John moffitt
This photograph is mind blowing. Excellent
Robert Bryan
Awesome photo!!!
Greg Byington
Very nice!
Alex Georgescu
Francis Pinault
ken kemper
Splendid Thorsten !!
Thank you sir!
My students will understand Wake Turbulence a bit better.

Curtis Smith
Awesome catch!
Jason Apol
Fantastic photo! Someone was on the ball to catch that pic. I'm curious tho.... The aircraft in that photo is going toward the disturbance in the clouds (smoke?). So there was a previous aircraft. Any chance anyone knows the aircraft type or the conditions / location of the photo?
To me it seems that I'm looking at the A/C going away from me and towards the giant wake vortex.
Viv Pike
Jason Apol & themold.

The aircraft is indeed travelling away from the viewer.
However - the wake vortex is closer to the camera than the aircraft is. The aircraft created that vortex and is moving away. It has "passed through" that vortex already.
Bill Seward
Sunil George
It happened to be difficult to render the pic. 1st. If it were a vortex facing the plane someone could’ve made the pilot aware about it. 2nd. The distance between the supposed vortex and the plane would be too short for attempting a right turn. 3rd. The distance between the plane and the camera would be too short to try to avoid an eventual crash. Gathering all events aforementioned could make up a peril combination leading to a fatality. Saving a better opinion.
Leonard Shilton
I sure wouldn't want to be in back of that big guy!!!!
Magnifique !
serge LOTH
Chief! somebody is Following us! … amazing pict.5*
Peter Melling
Great Photo! It just goes to show a sunny day is not required, when you are in the right place at the right time and can see what is happening before you.
Paul Gedge
Give the heavy some space / great visualization :)
Love it :) Thank you
Owen Lopez-Kimball
a whole bunch of turbulance!!
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Datum Flugzeug Abflughafen Zielflughafen Abflug Ankunft Flugdauer
04.02.2025 B744Washington-Dulles-Intl ()Frankfurt am Main () 19:01 EST 07:52 CET (+1) In der Luft
04.02.2025 B744Frankfurt am Main ()Washington-Dulles-Intl () 14:07 CET 16:38 EST 8:31
31.01.2025 B744Incheon ()Frankfurt am Main () 13:49 KST 18:38 CET 12:48
30.01.2025 B744Frankfurt am Main ()Incheon () 15:38 CET 10:58 KST (+1) 11:20
27.01.2025 B744Bengaluru Int'l ()Frankfurt am Main () 05:01 IST 09:35 CET 9:03
26.01.2025 B744Frankfurt am Main ()Bengaluru Int'l () 13:33 CET 02:35 IST (+1) 8:32
24.01.2025 B744Washington-Dulles-Intl ()Frankfurt am Main () 18:23 EST 07:05 CET (+1) 6:41
24.01.2025 B744Frankfurt am Main ()Washington-Dulles-Intl () 13:11 CET 15:41 EST 8:30
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