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Lockheed C-5 Galaxy (86-0023) - Tails on 2 Sep 2019. Most of the USAF airlift fleet and Major Commands were represented at the 2019 Cleveland National Air Show. Here are tails of a C-130J-30 from the 314th AW, Little Rock, AR, C-130H from the 910th AW, Youngstown Air Reserve Station, OH, KC-135R from the 121st AW, Rickenbacker ANG Base, OH, C-5M Super Galaxy from the 433 AW, Joint-Base San Antonio, TX, and a C-17 from the 445th AW, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. The view was pretty cool from Lake Erie!
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Lockheed C-5 Galaxy (86-0023)


Tails on 2 Sep 2019. Most of the USAF airlift fleet and Major Commands were represented at the 2019 Cleveland National Air Show. Here are tails of a C-130J-30 from the 314th AW, Little Rock, AR, C-130H from the 910th AW, Youngstown Air Reserve Station, OH, KC-135R from the 121st AW, Rickenbacker ANG Base, OH, C-5M Super Galaxy from the 433 AW, Joint-Base San Antonio, TX, and a C-17 from the 445th AW, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. The view was pretty cool from Lake Erie!


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