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Lockheed F-35C (11-5038) - Jim Beasley, Jr. in his P-51D Mustang “Bald Eagle” (N51JB, c/n 44-73029-A) and a USAF Lockheed F-35A Lightning II (11-5038, c/n AF-49) from the ACC Demo team during the Friday evening twilight Heritage Flight performance.
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Lockheed F-35C (11-5038)


Jim Beasley, Jr. in his P-51D Mustang “Bald Eagle” (N51JB, c/n 44-73029-A) and a USAF Lockheed F-35A Lightning II (11-5038, c/n AF-49) from the ACC Demo team during the Friday evening twilight Heritage Flight performance.


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Mark Thomas
Great shots from London Ed, glad you enjoyed it! I'm hoping they get an Osprey next year, I've never seen one up close. It's amazing that out of the several hundred shots we both took that the ones we choose to post are so very similar! I'm still editing mine from Washington too, should be posting soon...
Mark Thomas
The visibility out of that F35 cockpit looks amazing doesn't it?
Ed JonesPhoto Uploader
Thanks Mark. I had a blast. Yep, great angles to shoot. The weather/lighting was perfect. Most of the one I uploaded so far are from Friday. Still editing and will continue to upload. Can’t wait for next year. AirShow London 2017 was outstanding!!!
Cole Goldberg
Great shot! I'm glad you guys connected there!
Greg Byington
Very, very nice!
Fabian Dirscherl
Great shot. The F-35 is clean but going as slow as he can in that configuration as evidenced by the visible wingtip vortices generated from a high angle of attack. Meanwhile the throttles are forward on the P-51 and as he the fast shutter speed stops the prop enough to see what must be near max blade pitch as the old bird maintains station. Pretty obvious I know, but it is indication of a good subject photo when it can easily relay that type of detail. Well done.
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