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XIAN Y-20 Kunpeng (N20240)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

XIAN Y-20 Kunpeng (N20240)



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Phil Caron
Looks a lot like a Globemaster, no industrial espionage took place I'm sure, yeah, right?
Dave Underwood
Probably right, Phil. Lookalikes aren't always the result of espionage - look at the C-141 and IL-76 that look alike in many ways but just in looks. An airfoil is an airfoil, right. But when it comes to the Y-20 ... yeah, the Chinese stole C-17 data.

From the Wiki: Xi'an Y-20 Controversy

On July 13, 2016, Chinese national Su Bin pleaded guilty, and admitted to charges that he conspired with others to hack into U.S. defense contractor Boeing and steal documents related to the development of the C-17, F-22, and F-35 aircraft. Once the information was stolen, he admitted to analyzing and translating documents from English to Chinese, which he then emailed to the Second Department of the People's Liberation Army General Staff Department. Su Bin admitted he did so for financial gain, and sought to profit from the data that was stolen. In addition to financial gain, court documents revealed, in emails to the Second Department of the PLA, Su Bin noted the information, "...has extremely vital significance in our country's speeding up the development," of Project A, revealed to be China's program to develop the Xi'an Y-20.
Looks like they used the accelerated development schedule to good advantage. Note: Low drag nose contour, increased wing-sweep with full-span retractable slats, complex multi-part full-span flaps with flaperons, and judging by the main gear an increased gross weight...
But, I'd bet those engines have neither the low-speed grunt nor the high-speed efficiency of F117-PW-100s.
Curtis Smith
Yeah, those engines look like "oil burners" as I like to call them. i.e. 50's -60's tech...
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