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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll




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Frederik deCockBuning
Fabian why do you call these choppers Kawasaki ? i think they are Airbus built
this register is D-HADE
The descriptions you're using are from aircraft that no longer use these registration numbers. Same as D-HBKA. These are Airbus.
Samuel Bixler
The type designator EC45 covers all variants of this machine, regardless of which manufacturer has their name on it. The description comes from a database for that type designator, so the poster has no control other than getting the type designator correct. See ICAO type designator database at https://www.icao.int/publications/DOC8643/Pages/Search.aspx
Fabian DirscherlPhoto Uploader
exactly Samuel
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13.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 20:15 CET 20:21 CET 0:05
13.01.2025 UnknownNahe Osoppo, UdineCampoformido (military?) () 20:04 CET 20:14 CET 0:10
13.01.2025 UnknownAVRO ()Nahe Osoppo, Udine 19:44 CET Last seen 19:51 CET 0:07
13.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()AVRO () 19:30 CET 19:42 CET 0:11
13.01.2025 UnknownNahe Campoformido / UdineCampoformido (military?) () 19:03 CET 19:09 CET 0:06
13.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Nahe Campoformido / Udine 18:55 CET Last seen 19:01 CET 0:06
13.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 18:11 CET 18:54 CET 0:42
11.01.2025 UnknownNahe Osoppo, UdineCampoformido (military?) () 17:03 CET 17:17 CET 0:13
11.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Nahe Osoppo, Udine 16:26 CET Last seen 16:42 CET 0:16
07.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 17:29 CET 17:29 CET 0:00
07.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 17:27 CET 17:28 CET 0:00
07.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 17:24 CET 17:26 CET 0:01
07.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 17:22 CET 17:22 CET 0:00
07.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 17:18 CET 17:20 CET 0:02
07.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 17:13 CET 17:16 CET 0:02
05.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 21:44 CET 22:01 CET 0:16
05.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 19:38 CET 21:42 CET 2:04
05.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Campoformido (military?) () 09:48 CET 10:34 CET 0:45
01.01.2025 UnknownNahe Aviano, PordenoneCampoformido (military?) () 16:57 CET 17:13 CET 0:15
01.01.2025 UnknownCampoformido (military?) ()Nahe Aviano, Pordenone 16:03 CET Last seen 16:18 CET 0:15
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