118 Stimmen (4.94 Durchschnitt) und 30.775 Ansichten  

Boeing Globemaster III (08-0001) - Multi National Air force 08-0001 SAC heavy airlift wing C17 over maho beach for landing with supplies for the fight against COVID19 from Holland for the Islands.br /SAC01 on her first ever visit to the Caribbean.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png mittel / groß / voll

Boeing Globemaster III (08-0001)


Multi National Air force 08-0001 SAC heavy airlift wing C17 over maho beach for landing with supplies for the fight against COVID19 from Holland for the Islands.
SAC01 on her first ever visit to the Caribbean.


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Tim Altenhoff
Great shot!! Is that Beeks Wilson in the bottom Right hand corner? He got a shot from the other end of the beach.
I think Dan and Beeks nailed it from both directions. I enlarged that person in black and he is definitely taking a photo. Well done by both members. A 5 vote from this side to! Dan always gets great photos!
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Tim Altenhoff Thanks yes indeed its him over there!
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Warmwynds thank you very much!
Great Photo Daniel, Thanks Tim & Warmwynds for the Support.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Beeks thanks much!!
Hans Hondema
It’s not Hungarian Air Force but NATO transport command bases in Hungaria.
Hans Hondema
It’s not Hungarian Air force but NATO transport wing, bases at AB Papa.
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@Hans thanks much I knew it but i just took me that long to change it thanks again!!!
Great shot! Thanks.
ken kemper
Awesome photo Daniel and most newsworthy at the same time.

Great Catch !!
Awesome shot!!!
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ CactusDave.
@ Ken Kemper.
@ Nycslc.
Thank you all very much!
Mike Curtis
Excellent angle of approach, very good definition on picture, a real workhorse, very good all round picture , and interesting
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ Mike Curtis thank you!
chris lucak
Great picture,wish I took
daniel jefPhoto Uploader
@ chris lucak thank you and your always welcome over for a visit!!
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