Now that's a "mean machine"!!!!!!!!!!
Great photo! Thank you.
Nothing like the sight and sound of a radial coughing to life
Nice to see a well restored "old bird"
Great timing, and I like the way you framed the shot, too.
Oh how I wish I had been at Oshkosh this year to see 'Betty's Dream' up close - 2016.
I was stationed at Andrews Air Force Base July 1949-51 as a radar approach controller. MATS. One day a fellow airman and I went to the flight line looking to bum a ride and a pilot of a B-25 invited to fly with him. He put us in the waist gunner positions and told us to stay there, not wander. Oh! What a ride it was, and what a thrill it was to be on that airplane. It's something you can never forget. I was 20.
Iwonder if she seen any action looks real good
5 stars! Excellent shot!
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