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Bell V-22 Osprey (16-8292) - One of three USMC MV-22Bs is snapped here escorting "Marine One" during yesterdays visit to northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe by the POTUS.br /Including the activity that took place prior to the POTUSs arrival, I obtained superb captures of three Ospreys, two Whitehawks, eight different Globemasters, and (of course) Air Force One.
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Bell V-22 Osprey (16-8292)


One of three USMC MV-22Bs is snapped here escorting "Marine One" during yesterday's visit to northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe by the POTUS.
Including the activity that took place prior to the POTUS's arrival, I obtained superb captures of three Ospreys, two Whitehawks, eight different Globemasters, and (of course) Air Force One.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
My mind can't even begin to imagine how much of our $$ was spent for this visit. THREE Ospreys, TWO Whitehawk helicopters, EIGHT different C-17s, and Air Force One ... for a three and three-quarter hour visit? And that does not include expenses for the parade of limousines, the SS agents, and the overtime pay for all the various police agencies.
I do want to extend sincere kudos to the local police. They were extremely vigilant and definitely prepared, but they were also willing to let the people who actually own that fabulous airplane (in others words, American citizens) look at it (from a distance). When a person has paid for a jet such as AF1, they should at least be able to look at what they are paying for, and the citizens around here were permitted to do just that. Bravos to all police agencies.
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